Violence and abuse
Our research shows that five percent of the Norwegian population have been subjected to severe violence from a parent at some time during their childhood. Over 20 percent of women have been subjected to sexual abuse before their 18th birthday.
The prevalence of violence in Norway has unfortunately changed little since the end of the 1980s. Almost one third of the population, 22 percent of women and 44 percent of men, state to have been subjected to severe physical violence after the age of 18, while nine percent of women and a little below two percent of men have been raped during their lifetime.
Partner violence
As many Norwegian women and men, 17 percent, have been subjected to physical violence from an intimate partner. For men, this violence was for the most part less severe, while over nine percent of women have been subjected to severe intimate partner violence.
Typology of violence
The WHO presents a typology of violence which distinguishes four modes in which violence may be inflicted: physically, sexually and psychologically, and being deprived.
The term “violence in close relationships” is violence and abuse that is directed towards family members, intimate partners, children, siblings and parents, or violence against someone who is a permanent coinhabitant of the same residence.
Active Projects
- 2024-2027 Utøvere av vold i nære relasjoner: risiko, behandling og utfall.
- 2024-2025 Violence and abuse in reindeer herding communities in Norway
- 2023-2027 Disclosure – A lifecourse perspective on barriers and facilitatorss to disclose
- 2023-2025 The Norwegian Youth Victimization and Health Study
- 2023-2026 Work after violence: Consequences of violence for working life
- Når tausheten brytes: Om vold i nære relasjoner og seksuelle overgrep i samiske samfunn.
- Drawing the Line: Sexual violence and abuse in young people’s intimate relationships
- Krisesentre som arena for støtte, oppfølging og bevisstgjøring.
- Shelters and intimate partner and domestic violence support services: Arenas for help, interventions, and empowermet?: Joint report from Norway and Slovakia
- Barnevernstjenestens arbeid med vold og overgrep.
Academic Articles
- «Vi holder det innenfor husets fire vegger»: Voldserfaringer gjennom livsløpet i en samisk og nordnorsk kontekst.
- A Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach to the School Experiences of Children Living at Refuges for Abused Women: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities
- Barndomstraumer og langvarige smerter hos barn, ungdom og unge voksne.
- Endringsvillighet blant en gruppe norsksomaliere.
- Factors differentiating risk of sexual abuse victimization by adults and peers among adolescents
Books and dissertations
- Etiology and risk factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Youth: Implications for the Theory and Treatment of Childhood PTSD
- Kvinnelig omskjæring/kjønnslemlestelse i Norge; Kunnskap og praksis.
- Access to female genital cutting specialized services in Norway
- Child abuse and physical health complaints in adolescence and young adulthood
- Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence
Other publications
- Det er ikke alltid det hjelper å gå fra en voldelig partner .
- Vi trenger en oppdatert forståelse av vold.
- Vold, overgrep og omsorgssvikt.
- Angsten for å snakke med barn om vold og overgrep.
- Angsten for å snakke med barn om vold og overgrep. Vi er bekymret for at påstander om filmen «Alle barn har rett til en trygg barndom» kan føre til at vi blir redde for å snakke med barn om vold og overgrep..