Research shows that post-traumatic stress disorders and psychiatric syndromes are classic consequences of being exposed to severe events of war
Project Members
- Dyb, Grete Anita
- Hellesøy, Odd
- Sønstebø, Ingrid
- Weisæth, Lars
Main objective
A literary research review of psychiatric health problems in children both during and after war.
The material also included clinical records from the examination of children subjected to the bombing of Holen School in Laksevåg, Bergen and from the so-called “cave-dwellers” a child population who sought refuge in caves after the towns of Finnmark and North- Troms were burned to the ground in the fall of 1944.
Recommendations were given on how to assess and therefore regulate the allotment of war pensions when evaluating these children effected by war, who are now adults filing for war pension
Dyb, G., Hellesøy, O. H., Sønstebø, I., & Weisæth, L. (2008). Varige psykiske skader etter krigshendelser i barndommen. En utredning foretatt av en ekspertgruppe oppnevnt av NAV.