Disasters, terror and stress management
NKVTS conducts extensive research on how people deal with crises, accidents and disasters. We are interested in common reactions after such events, as well as how different situations and coping strategies affect quality of life and health.
NKVTS has conducted two large research programmes on terror and disaster, investigating the consequences of the 22nd of July 2011 Norwegian terror attacks and the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia in 2004. This research encompasses those affected, their family, workplace, and social network.
We are interested in how the individual’s sense of competence and interactions with their surroundings either reduces or increases their resilience to the potentially traumatising event. Another aspect of research is when and how aid – both government relief and/or medical assistance – should be provided in such a way that it enables an individual to resume and cope with their daily life.
Education and collaboration
We have contributed to the development of the Norwegian Directorate of Health psychosocial guidelines for crises, accidents and disasters. Our researchers have also provided the government advice during crises and disaster situations. We provide educational programs for students, experts and the general public.
Disasters, accidents and terror do not abide by borders. Collaboration is essential to utilise the knowledge and experience of others. Our research team collaborates with other researchers and research groups both at a national and international level. Our work has an interdisciplinary approach and investigates crises, accidents and disasters from the different viewpoints of various academic fields. Cooperating with those affected and their families helps maintain the perspective of those most in need.
Active Projects
- 2024-2025 The terror attack on June 25th
- 2023-2027 Early Support after Exposure to Trauma (EASE)
- 2022-2029 Implementation of TF-CBT at Norwegian Child and Adolescents’ Mental Health Clinics
- 2020-2025 Stress responses and health complaints in hospital personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 2020-2025 Veteraners familier: Psykisk helse og hverdagsliv etter utenlandsoperasjoner
- Study on survivors and relatives of the Alexander L. Kielland accident
- The role of mental health in the prevention system’s understanding and handling of radicalization and violent extremism
- Afghanistanundersøkelsen 2020, Veteraners erfaringer, helse og livskvalitet etter tjeneste i Afghanistan 2001-2020
- Concern work. Dilemmas and possibilities in local prevention of radicalization and violent extremism in Norway
Academic Articles
- ‘My child could have died’: counterfactual thoughts and psychological distress in parents of trauma survivors
- “What if…?”: Vividness and frequency of counterfactual thinking in survivors of terrorism
- A parallel investigation of trauma exposure, maladaptive appraisals and posttraumatic stress reactions in two groups of trauma-exposed adolescents
- Coping strategies and symptoms of Adjustment Disorder among adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Early Predictors of Prolonged Grief Among Bereaved Trauma Survivors 8.5 Years After a Terrorist Attack
Books and dissertations
- Bekymringsarbeidet. Politiets forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme.
- In the Aftermath of Terrorism: Individual trauma, sociopolitical reactions and institutional response
- Transformed by trauma. A longitudinal study of posttraumatic stress, growth and perceived event centrality among youths and emerging adults after the terrorist attack on Utøya island
- Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer
- Post-disaster healthcare for parents. A longitudinal study of the mothers and fathers of the Utøya survivors
Other publications
- Editorial: Recovering after terrorist attacks, large-scale accidents and other disasters: Psychosocial care responses across countries
- Kriseinformasjon må nå hele befolkningen.
- Proactive Psychosocial Follow-up of Young Survivors of a Terrorist Attack: Lessons Learned From Norway
- Psychosocial Care Responses and Research After Terrorist Attacks
- Terror leaves adolescents behind