Topic: Violence and abuse

Prevention of violence used in child rearing. Cooperation between assistance services and minority ethnic parents- a review

Neumayer, S. M., Meyer, M., & Sveaass, N. (2008). Forebygging av vold i oppdragelse. Samarbeid mellom hjelpeapparat og minoritetsforeldre – en kunnskapsoversikt [Prevention of violence used in child rearing. Cooperation between assistance services and minority ethnic parents- a review] Norwegian only.

The most important sources used in this report include; research literature and reports concerning the phenomena of violence used in child rearing, especially in minority ethnic families, and literature on measures preventing this.

Important information has also been gathered through telephone interviews with centrally placed colleagues, for example those working at reception centers for refugees, in the city districts and those working on related projects.

The concrete measures and programs that are presented in the chapter “cooperating with minority ethnic parents- examples of measures and programs” include families where their children are living at home, in other words, measures for children residing outside of the home are not included.

The measures presented have different origins, organizational frameworks and goals. The list provided is in no way a complete list of measures, but provides examples of different initiatives.

Discussed strategies in preventing violence used in child rearing strategies are that on the one hand one respects people and their background, yet simultaneously set clear boundaries for what is acceptable and in some cases illegal. This issue is especially clear when discussing traditional female genital cutting/mutilation, but is highly relevant when it comes to the physical punishment of children in general.

It is important that research and knowledge development is strengthened within this field and that there is continual systematization and evaluating of the measures that are developed and utilized.