Topic: Forced migration and refugee health

Working with abused women with a minority ethnic background – experiences from a skill development program.

Jonassen, W. (2007). Arbeid med voldsutsatte kvinner med minoritetsbakgrunn – erfaringer fra et kompetanseutviklingsprogram [Working with abused women with a minority ethnic background – experiences from a skill development program.] Norwegian only.

In the government’s action plan “Violence in close relationships” (2004-2007), one of its actions were:

”A project will be initiated to provide crisis centers and local assistance services skills and knowledge that concern the needs of abused minority ethnic women. An educational program will be developed, tried out and evaluated. This educational program shall be continued also after the project has ended.”

In 2004 the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs gave the Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, NKVTS, the assignment of staring this project. Later on the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir) took over as assigning agency.

During the project period, 10 courses were completed, with subsequent counselling and in some cases volunteering at crisis centers in different locations across Norway.
The report provides how the skill development project was designed and the experiences gained from it.