Participation and exclusion
Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013). Delaktighet och utanförskap [Participation and exclusion] Sweedish only. In M. Bak & K. von Brömssen (Red.) Barndom och migration (pp. 305-331). Boréa Bokförlag.
The chapter illustrates this with a presentation of a case study of the introduction of a new Norwegian childhood arena: the afterschool program “skolefritidsordningen (SFO)”, which in the 1990s emerged as part of schools’ activity and supervision provisions before and after school.
How is children’s everyday life affected by the introduction of new activity/supervisory arrangements such as SFO (In Oslo later Activity School or AKS)? Who participates in this new arena, and how is the daily interaction between majority and minority children in and outside of school?
These are some of the themes that are addressed in the chapter and illustrated with empirical examples using “children portraits” where observations of different children are supplemented by children’s own stories, but also with information from adults playing a significant role in the children’s upbringing.