Implementation and Treatment

The Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) conducts research and disseminates knowledge on how health problems following traumatic incidents can be prevented and treated. Our research also covers how guidelines and evidence-based treatment methods can be implemented and maintained within health services.

In Norway as well as globally, a large percentage of the population will at some point in their life experience potentially traumatic incidents such as life-threatening accidents, sudden, unexpected loss of loved ones, violence, or abuse. For a number of these people, such incidents can lead to major mental or physical health issues.

Prevention and treatment of trauma-related symptoms

There are several evidence-based treatment methods available which can help children as well as adults who are affected by trauma. On behalf of the Norwegian Directorate of Health, we work to implement these methods in the Norwegian health service to enable as many as possible of those affected to receive high-quality care. At the same time, we strive to continually improve the help provided. Questions we seek answers to through our research include:

  • How can the health services best identify individuals with trauma-related difficulties?
  • How can we prevent individuals from experiencing mental health problems after having experienced a traumatic incident?
  • How can we ensure that individuals who need it are given access to good treatment for trauma-related problems, regardless of where they live, how old they are or what other health issues they have?
  • How does trauma treatment actually work, and how can it be made even more effective for more people?


Training public health service therapists in evidence-based treatment methods helps ensure that patients receive better treatment.

At NKVTS, we seek to study how health and social services can introduce new treatment methods or guidelines in ways that ensure they are maintained over time. Questions we seek answers to through our research include:

  • In a Norwegian context, what implementation strategies and mechanisms lead to successful implementation of evidence-based practices?
  • What is the significance of health policy for implementation of evidence-based practice?
  • How can health and social services ensure that evidence-based practices are maintained over time?

Therefore, whenever NKVTS is involved in introducing new methods to these services, we always conduct research on the actual implementation process as well.

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