Violence and abuse
Custody cases, etnicity and culture
This project aims to show how attention to etnicity and culture are considered in child custody cases.
Project Manager
Main objective
The project is part of a larger book Project With researchers from Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. The book will be published in 2014.
Considerations regarding to etnicity and culture will be explored with thematic analyze of rulings made by the Court of Appeal for the years 2006-2007 and 2012.
Skjørten, K. (2014). Betydningen av etnisitet og kultur i foreldretvister om bosted og samvær. In A. Hellum & J. Köhler-Olsen (Red.) Like rettigheter – ulike liv: Rettslig kompleksitet i kvinne-, barne- og innvandrerperspektiv (pp. 173-193). Gyldendal Juridisk.