Shelters: Children in shelters
Project Manager
Project Member
- Jacobsen, Marit
Main objective
The purpose of the project is to survey children in crisis centres in Norway.
The project will consist of a quantitative and a qualitative part.
Data collection in the quantitative part will be conducted in the form of a questionnaire that will be sent to the managers of the crisis centres.
The focus will be on:
- the education of the employees working with children in the crisis centre
- conversations that will be had with the children
tIhe degree to which the crisis centre cooperates with important participants and agencies
Data will also be collected in the form of interviews.
Here the focus will be on:
Fokus her vil være:
- the children’s experiences from living in a crisis centre
- the children’s thoughts about the time prior to coming to the centre, and perceptions about the time following their stay
Øverlien, C. (2017). Att möta våldsutsatta barn i skolan – samtal, anpassning och bekräftelse. In Å. Backlund, S. Högdin & Y. Spånberger Weitz (Red.) Skolsocialt arbete: Skolan som plats för och del i det sociala arbetet (pp. 113-125). Gleerups Utbildning AB.
Øverlien, C. (2017). ‘Do you want to do some arm wrestling?’: Children strategies when experiencing domestic violence and the meaning of age. Child & Family Social Work, 22(2), 680-688. doi:10.1111/cfs.12283
Øverlien, C. (2012). Krisesentre som intervensjonsarena for barn som har opplevd vold i hjemmet. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern, 89(1-2), 70-85.
Øverlien, C. (2011). Abused women with children or children of abused women? A study of conflicting perspectives at women’s refuges in Norway. Child & Family Social Work, 16, 171-180.
Øverlien, C. (2011). Abused women with children or children of abused women? A study of conflicting perspectives at women’s refuges in Norway. Child & Family Social Work, 16(1), 71-80. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2010.00715.x
Øverlien, C. (2011). Women’s refuges as intervention arenas for children who experience domestic violence. Child Care in Practice, 17(4), 375-391. doi:10.1080/13575279.2011.596816
Øverlien, C. (2010). “Jeg sier at skiltet har blitt ødelagt”. Strategier för hemlighållande bland barn på krisesenter. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern, 4.
Øverlien, C. (2009). Hei du som arbeider med politiarbeid. FOKUS. Fagblad for politiets kriminalitetsforebyggende forum.(3), 28-29.
Øverlien, C., Jacobsen, M., & Evang, A. (2009). Barns erfaringer fra livet på krisesenter. En landsomfattende studie om flukten, oppholdet og forestillinger om fremtiden [Children’s experiences from life at shelters for abused women. A nationwide study on the flight, residency and perceptions of the future.] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 2/2009).