Topic: Violence and abuse

KBT- treatment services for children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior in the Nordic countries and the UK

KBT- treatment services for children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior in the Nordic countries and the UK

2016 This project has been completed 2017

Project Members

  • Jensen, Monica
  • Askeland, Ingunn Rangul

Main objective

The main objective of this project is to survey the available treatment programs for children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior in the Nordic countries and the UK, regarding organization and content of treatment. On the basis of this survey, and former surveys of available treatment for this group in Norway,  possible ways to organize treatment for this group will be discussed. To provide good psychological treatment for these children is important actions to help them develop in better ways and to prevent further acts of problematic and harmful sexual behavior. It is crucial to have an overview of the treatment programs that already exist in the Nordic countries and the UK, the empirical studies on this topic and the best available assessment and treatment models, in order to develop the best available treatment for this group.

Subsidiary objectives

The project is part of a larger project consisting of:

– Survey of treatment programs for children and youth who are victims of violence and sexual abuse, children using violence and children with problematic or harmful sexual behavior

– Survey of treatment programs for adults who are violent


The assignment will be cunducted as follows:

 Gather knowledge from expert groups consisting of people from Norway, Scandinavia and the UK with expertise in the treatment of children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior.

Gather literature about treatment programs for children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior in those countries.

The researchers will attend meetings with the national  “competence and treatment network, regarding children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior in Norway. Further, the group will attend the Nordic network meeting in Copenhagen in September 2016, where both the Norwegian competence network and the expertise groups from the other Nordic countries participate.

 To obtain knowledge of available treatment and its organization in the UK, should central institutions and treatment centres be visited. The research group will also visit several central institutions and expertise groups in Sweden.

The findings from the project will be communicated in an electronic and printed report. The findings will also be communicated on a seminar hosted by NKVTS.


Askeland, I. R., Jensen, M., & Moen, L. H. (2017). Behandlingstilbudet til barn og unge med problematisk eller skadelig seksuell atferd – kunnskap og erfaringer fra de nordiske landene og Storbritannia – forslag til landsdekkende struktur [Treatment for children and adolescents with problematic or harmful sexual behavior
– knowledge and experiences from the Nordic countries and Great Britain
– proposals for a national structure
Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 1/2017).