Samvær med tilsyn i saker etter barneloven
Skjørten, K. (2019). Samvær med tilsyn i saker etter barneloven. In K. Skjørten, E. Bakketeig, M. Bjørnholt & S. Mossige (Red.) Vold i nære relasjoner: Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak (pp. 195-214). Universitetsforlaget. doi:10.18261/9788215032320-2019
This chapter will focus on the courts’ use of the legal provision of supervised contact with children in cases of parents’ disputes. In such disputes about contactwith children the question of supervision is made relevant when the child is at risk ofbeing harmed, or when the parents are in need of guidance during contact with thechild. A review of legal practice from the Courts of Appeal shows a significant increasein the use of supervision. What characterizes cases in which supervision in contact withthe child is decided? And how is it justified?