Topic: Violence and abuse

Vold i nære relasjoner – et felt i bevegelse

Skjørten, K., Bakketeig, E., Bjørnholt, M., & Mossige, S. (2019). Vold i nære relasjoner – et felt i bevegelse. In K. Skjørten, E. Bakketeig, M. Bjørnholt & S. Mossige (Red.) Vold i nære relasjoner: Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak (pp. 13-29). Universitetsforlaget. doi:10.18261/9788215032320-2019-01

This introductory chapter presents the developments in the changing field of violence in close relationships, a leitmotif in the book. Over time, we have gained a more pluralistic understanding of the violence. It has also been an increase in aid measures, as well as a movement from voluntary work towards public running of services. Moreover, there has been an increased focus on prevention and control. New research, shedding light on this development, is presented through the chapters of this book.