Topic: Violence and abuse

Abuse and neglect in residential care settings. A multi-method study on abuse and neglect of older persons in Norwegian nursing homes

Abuse and neglect in nursing homes  imply violations of the human rights, dignity and well-being of the elderly who depend on care services. This  research study seeks to generate new knowledge that will benefit older patients in residential care, improve the interaction between family and health care, improve organization and management, and strengthen the foundation for best professional practice. The study comprise three workpackes (WP). WP1: A  national survey (staff) of abuse and neglect of nursing home patients.  WP2: The role of leadership to promote patient safety in nursing homes. WP3: Relatives' perception and experiences of abuse and neglect of nursing home patients. NTNU is the project owner and NKVTS the main research partner and responsible for the  implementation of WP 3.

2017 This project has been completed 2021

Project Manager

Project Members

  • Blekken, Lene
  • Saga, Susan

Main objective

The aim of WP3 is to reveal how next of kin of elderly patients in nursing homes experiences and understand elder abuse and neglect.


Subsidiary objectives


WP 3 is a qualitative study where data collection will be telephone interviews with people who are or have been relatives of elderly patients in nursing homes.

Further information

The four years research programme is coordinated by the NTNU and funded by the NFR program HELSEVEL. You will find more information here


Saga, S., Blekken, L. E., Nakrem, S., & Sandmoe, A. (2021). Relatives’ experiences with abuse and neglect in Norwegian nursing homes. A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 21(684), 1-14. doi:10.1186/s12913-021-06713-9