Topic: Violence and abuse

Minority children who experience violence in the family

How is respect maintained for the child’s ethnicity, culture and religion when a child experiences violence in the family? The project will review research on minority children who experience violence in the family and will discuss the findings from the perspective of rights and protection.

2010 This project has been completed 2011

Project Manager

Project Member

  • Hofman, Sanne

Main objective

The review of knowledge gained from research on minority children who experience violence in the family will contribute to clarifying the various issues and challenges that minority children face, and thereby provide a basis for further research in this field.


Study of the literature


Hofman, S. (2011). Etniske minoritetsbarn som opplever vold i familien. Utfordringer og muligheter [Ethnic minority children with experience of domestic violence| – challenges and possibilities] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 2/2011).