Shelters: Working environment at shelters
Project Members
- Laugerud, Solveig
- Jonassen, Wenche
Main objective
This study concentrated on factors that either promoted or inhibited a good working environment at shelters. What traits do shelters have that create a good working environment and stable workforce, compared to the shelters that have a high turnover of management? And how does the managers’ ideology, educational background, former work experience and former work experience at shelters effect job satisfaction? What are the types of circumstances that contribute to the manager of shelters quitting their job?
The project is comprised of case studies of four crisis centers, there two of them have a stable workforce and the other two have a high turnover of managers. Shelter employees, former employees, the employees’ representative on the board, their health and safety representative and their chairman of the board will be interviewed.
Further information
The project was assigned to NKVTS by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.
Laugerud, S. (2009). Smertefulle endringsprosesser. En undersøkelse av arbeidsmiljøet ved utvalgte krisesentre [Painful processes of change. A survey of work environment at a selection of crisis shelters. ] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 3/2009).