Topic: Violence and abuse

Violence and abuse of functionally impaired women, seen from an inter-unit perspective

2007 This project has been completed 2010

Project Member

  • Olsvik, Vigdis Mathisen

Main objective

Develop an in-depth study regarding the extent of abuse, its social context, and the need for aid; in a comparative and intersectional perspective. A PhD thesis is involved in this study.


The project is based partly on in-depth interviews of 13 women with physical impairments and partly on a comparative questionnaire survey of 201 women both with and without functional disabilities, as well as existing literature in this field.

The data will be analyzed in light of a social power perspective also known as an intersectional perspective which looks at how different power hierarchies, for example gender, functional disability and age mutually effects each other in different relationships where violence is involved.

Further information


Department of Social Work and Health Science, Norwegian university of science and technology, NTNU and the eastern Norway Research Institute, Lillehammer.


Olsvik, V. M. (2010). Overgrep mot kvinner med nedsatt funksjonsevne – en kunnskapsoversikt [Abuse against women with disabilities- a review.] Norwegian only.