Violence in close relationships. Suggestions for training measures for staff in relevant aiding services
Saur, R. (2007). Vold i nære relasjoner. Forslag til felles opplæringstiltak for ansatte i relevante helsetjenester [Violence in close relationships. Suggestions for training measures for staff in relevant aiding services] Norwegian only. (Notat 3/2007).
This assignment concluded the need to strengthen the competency to act and cooperate within and amongst services in the clients’ best interest.
This also includes an interdisciplinary approach where different services are involved and cooperate.
A review of central assessments and measures form 1982 to present day show that both the focus and the terminology have changed since the beginning of the 1980s.
The term “violence in close relationships” indicates that violence not only includes abused women but has been expanded to include other groups of individuals. Several different explanatory models are used, where key words include relationships, context and culture as well as gender, power and situation.
Three separate and targeted training programs aimed at following three main groups are proposed:
- Administration and management staff
- Staff with educational degrees, or individuals wanting to qualify for coordinating tasks, teaching and skill development
- Public or private employees wanting skill development without credit points
The following three topics should be weighted equally and given the same amount of time in the program:
- One-third theoretical education (about violence as a phenomena and the prevalence of violence in close relationships).
- One-third knowledge on action (about services’ tasks and responsibilities, work methods, possibilities and restrictions).
- One-third on collaborative knowledge (topics related to the individual roles and tasks between collaborators, challenges and processes).