Understanding posttraumatic stress in youth: guidelines for trauma-focused treatment.
Jensen, T. K. (2011). Posttraumatisk stress hos barn og unge forståelse og prinsipper for behandling [Understanding posttraumatic stress in youth: guidelines for trauma-focused treatment.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 48(1), 57-63.
Several Norwegian studies have documented that a large number of children and adolescents in Norway experience traumatic events every year. Given the high prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in childhood, and a lack of treatment for children and adolescents who develop PTSD, effective treatment models for this population are needed. In this article common post trauma symptoms after childhood trauma are described. A trauma-focused cognitive behavioral treatment model (TF-CBT) is explored. TF-CBT has showed positive results through several randomized controlled trials, and there are ongoing studies for children experiencing sexual abuse, domestic violence, traumatic grief, terrorism, disasters and multiple traumas. Nevertheless, there is a need for more effectiveness studies as well as studies focusing on therapeutic process factors.