Jensen, Tine Press Photos

Jensen, Tine

Research Professor/ Associate professor, Universit / PhD Psychology
Unit: Section for Trauma, catastrophes and forced migration - children and youths
Telephone: 413 27 827

Areas of Expertise

– developmental psychology

– cultural psychology

– psychotherapy

– traumatized children

– sexual abuse of children


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Scientific articles and chapters


Fagermoen, E. M., Skjærvø, I., Birkeland, M. S., Jensen, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2024). The bidirectional associations between caregiver and child symptoms in the parent-led treatment stepping together for children after trauma. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 173. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2023.104459

Stänicke, L. I., Reiremo, G. K., Scheie, S. I., Jessen, R. S., & Jensen, T. (2024). Navigating, being tricked, and blaming oneself—A meta-synthesis of youth’s experience of involvement in online child sexual abuse. Child & Family Social Work. doi:10.1111/cfs.13152

Undset, A. B., Jensen, T., Dyb, G. A., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Blix, I. (2024). “What if…?”: Vividness and frequency of counterfactual thinking in survivors of terrorism. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1). doi:10.1002/acp.4176


Bartels, L., Skar, A. M. S., Birkeland, M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., Berliner, L., & Jensen, T. (2023). The differential impact of the DSM-5 post-traumatic stress symptoms on functional impairment in traumatized children and adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-9. doi:10.1007/s00787-023-02266-w

de Haan, A., Meiser-Stedman, R., Landolt, M. A., Kuhn, I., Black, M. J., Klaus, K., Patel, S. D., Fisher, D. J., Haag, C., Ukoumunne, O. C., Jones, B. G., Flaiyah, A. M., Catani, C., Dawson, K., Bryant, R. A., de Roos, C., Ertl, V., Foa, E. B., Ford, J. D., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., Tutus, D., Hermenau, K., Hecker, T., Hultmann, O., Axberg, U., Jaberghaderi, N., Jensen, T., Ormhaug, S. M., Kenardy, J., Lindauer, R. J. L., Diehle, J., Murray, L. K., Kane, J. C., Peltonen, K., Kangaslampi, S., Robjant, K., Koebach, A., Rosner, R., Rossouw, J., Smith, P., Tonge, B. J., Hitchcock, C., & Dalgleish, T. (2023). Efficacy and moderators of efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapies with a trauma focus in children and adolescents: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 1(8), 28-39. doi:10.1016/S2352-4642(23)00253-5

Fagermoen, E. M., Jensen, T., Martinsen, M., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2023). Parent-Led Stepped Care Trauma Treatment: Parents’ Experiences With Helping Their Child Recover. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. doi:10.1007/s40653-023-00537-x

Fagermoen, E. M., Skjærvø, I., Jensen, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2023). Parent-led stepped care for traumatised children: parental factors that predict treatment completion and response. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 14(2). doi:10.1080/20008066.2023.2225151

Graham, R., Stänicke, L. I., Jensen, T., Livingstone, S., Jessen, R. S., Staksrud, E., & Stoilova, M. (2023). PLATFORM POWER AND EXPERIENCES FROM THE MARGIN: ADOLESCENTS’ ONLINE VULNERABILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH. Selected Papers of Internet Research, SPIR. doi:10.5210/spir.v2022i0.13010

Hoppen, T. H., Meiser-Stedman, R., Jensen, T., Birkeland, M. S., & Morina, N. (2023). Efficacy of psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents exposed to single versus multiple traumas: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Psychiatry, 222(5), 196-203. doi:10.1192/bjp.2023.24

Stensland, S., Glad, K. A., Andersen, A. J., Brodersen, D., Bækkelund, H., Daae, C., Daae, C., Heltne, U. M., Jensen, T., Johnsen, I., Kristensen, P., Nissen, A., Ormhaug, S. M., Reinholdt, N. P., Stene, L. E., Thapa, S. B., Thoresen, S., & Ottesen, A. (2023). Oppfølging av mennesker rammet av krig og katastrofer. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 143(18), 1-5. doi:10.4045/tidsskr.23.0791


Aminihajibashi, S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. (2022). Professional wellbeing and turnover intention among child therapists: a comparison between therapists trained and untrained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-022-08670-3

Birkeland, M. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. (2022). Understanding the relationships between trauma type and individual posttraumatic stress symptoms: A cross-sectional study of a clinical sample of children and adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13602

Jensen, T., Braathu, N., Birkeland, M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., & Skar, A. M. S. (2022). Complex PTSD and treatment outcomes in TF-CBT for youth: A naturalistic study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2), 1-11. doi:10.1080/20008066.2022.2114630

Kjølaas, S. H., Feragen, K. J. B., & Jensen, T. (2022). Social support experiences when growing up with a parent with Huntington’s disease. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), 655-675. doi:10.1080/21642850.2022.2104286

Kjølaas, S. H., Jensen, T., & Feragen, K. J. B. (2022). Dilemmas when talking about Huntington’s disease: A qualitative study of offspring and caregiver experiences in Norway. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 1-14. doi:10.1002/jgc4.1610

Ovenstad, K. S., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. (2022). The relationship between youth involvement, alliance and outcome in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 1-13. doi:10.1080/10503307.2022.2123719

Sachser, C., Berliner, L., Risch, E., Rosner, R., Birkeland, M. S., Eilers, R., Hafstad, G. S., Pfeiffer, E., Plener, P. L., & Jensen, T. (2022). The child and Adolescent Trauma Screen 2 (CATS-2) – validation of an instrument to measure DSM-5 and ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD in children and adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2). doi:10.1080/20008066.2022.2105580

Skar, A. M. S., Braathu, N., Jensen, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2022). Predictors of nonresponse and drop-out among children and adolescents receiving TF-CBT: investigation of client-, therapist-, and implementation factors. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-13. doi:10.1186/s12913-022-08497-y


Andersson, E. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2021). Unaccompanied refugee minors and resettlement: Turning points towards integration. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1-30. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2761

Kjølaas, S. H., Kjoelaas, S., Jensen, T. K., & Feragen, K. J. B.Feragen, K. B. (2021). ‘I knew it wasn’t normal, I just didn’t know what to do about it’: adversity and caregiver support when growing up in a family with Huntington’s disease. Psychology and Health, 37(2), 211-229. doi:10.1080/08870446.2021.1907387

Ovenstad, K. S., Jensen, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2021). Four perspectives on traumatized youths’ therapeutic alliance: Correspondence and outcome predictions. Psychotherapy Research. doi:10.1080/10503307.2021.2011983

Skar, A. M. S., Jensen, T. K., & Harpviken, A. N. (2021). Who Reports What? A Comparison of Child and Caregivers´ Reports of Child Trauma Exposure and Associations to Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Functional Impairment in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinics. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. doi:10.1007/s10802-021-00788-y


Birkeland, M. S., Holt, T., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2020). Perceived social support and posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and youth in therapy: A parallel process latent growth curve model. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 132. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2020.103655

Bisson, J. I., Berliner, L., Cloitre, M., Forbes, D., Jensen, T. K., Lewis, C., . . . Shapiro, F. et al. (2020). ISTSS PTSD Prevention and Treatment Guidelines: Recommendations. In D. Forbes, J. I. Bisson, C. M. Monson & L. Berliner (Eds.) Effective Treatments for PTSD. Practice Guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. (pp. 109-116). Guilford Press.

Jensen, T. K., Cohen, J., Jaycox, L., & Rosner, R. (2020). Treatment of PTSD and Complex PTSD. In D. Forbes, J. I. Bisson, C. M. Monson & L. Berliner (Eds.) Effective Treatments for PTSD. Practice Guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. (pp. 385-413). Guilford Press.

Ovenstad, K. S., Ovenstad, K. S., Ormhaug, S. M., Shirk, S. R., & Jensen, T. K. (2020). Therapists’ behaviors and youths’ therapeutic alliance during trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(4), 350-361. doi:10.1037/ccp0000465

Pfeiffer, E., Ormhaug, S. M., Tutus, D., Holt, T., Rosner, R., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2020). Does the therapist matter? Therapist characteristics and their relation to outcome in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), 1-10. doi:10.1080/20008198.2020.1776048

Stensland, S., Thoresen, S., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Dyb, G. (2020). Early Pain and Other Somatic Symptoms Predict Posttraumatic Stress Reactions in Survivors of Terrorist Attacks: The Longitudinal Utøya Cohort Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33, 1060-1070. doi:10.1002/jts.22562

Aas, E., Silwal, S., Cyr, P. R., Holt, T., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2020). Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children and adolescent with post-traumatic stress symptom: A comparison of 16D and condition-specific instruments. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 8(1), 46-71. doi:10.5617/njhe.6929


Bartels, L., Berliner, L., Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., Jungbluth, N., Plener, P., . . . Sascher, C. et al. (2019). The importance of the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms of cognitions and mood in traumatized children and adolescents: two network approaches. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60(5), 545-554. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13009

Bisson, J. I., Berliner, L., Cloitre, M., Forbes, D., Jensen, T. K., Lewis, C., . . . Shapiro, F. et al. (2019). The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies New Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Methodology and Development Process. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(4), 475-483. doi:10.1002/jts.22421

Dyb, G., & Jensen, T. K. (2019). Å oppleve et overveldende traume – Hvordan blir livet etterpå? In G. Dyb & T. K. Jensen (Red.) Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer (pp. 15-32). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Eidhammer, S. E., Jahr, H. L., Blix, I., & Jensen, T. K. (2019). Traumefokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi for barn og ungdom med PTSD og kompleks PTSD. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.

Jensen, T. K. (2019). Bartels, L., Berliner, L., Holt, T., Jensen, T., Jungbluth, N., Plener, P., . . . Sachser, C. (2019). The importance of the DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms of cognitions and mood in traumatized children and adolescents: two network approaches: PTSD symptom networks in children and adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13009. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines.

Jensen, T. K., Bisson, J. I., Berliner, L., Cloitre, M., Forbes, D., Lewis, C., . . . Shapiro, F. et al. (2019). The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies New Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Methodology and Development Process. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 1-9. doi:10.1002/jts.22421

Jensen, T. K., Skar, A. M. S., Andersson, E. S., & Birkeland, M. S. (2019). Long-term mental health in unaccompanied refugee minors: Pre- and post-flight predictors. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. doi:10.1007/s00787-019-01340-6

Jensen, T. K., Stene, L. E., Nilsen, L. G., Haga, J. M., & Dyb, G. (2019). Tidlig intervensjon og behandling. In G. Dyb & T. K. Jensen (Red.) Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer (pp. 141-165). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Knutsen, M. L., Jensen, T. K., Sachser, C., Knutsen, M. L., Holt, T., & Goldbeck, L. (2019). Trajectories and Possible Predictors of Treatment Outcome for Youth Receiving Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Psychological Trauma. doi:10.1037/tra0000482

Knutsen, M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019). Changes in the trauma narratives of youth receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy in relation to posttraumatic stress symptoms. Psychotherapy Research, 29(1), 99. doi:10.1080/10503307.2017.1303208

Skar, A. M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019). Reported Levels of Upset in Youth After Routine Trauma Screening at Mental Health Clinics. JAMA Network Open, 2(5), e194003. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.4003

Thoresen, S., Dyb, G., & Jensen, T. K. (2019). Sosial støtte, svik og sosiale barrierer. In G. Dyb & T. K. Jensen (Red.) Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer (pp. 85-94). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Thoresen, S., Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2019). Foreldreskap – Å være forelder når barnet ditt er i livsfare. In G. Dyb & T. K. Jensen (Red.) Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer (pp. 42-56). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Aas, E., Iversen, T., Holt, T., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Randomized Control Trial among Norwegian Youth. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 48(1), S298-S311. doi:10.1080/15374416.2018.1463535


Bugge, I., Jensen, T. K., Nilsen, L. G., Ekeberg, Ø., Dyb, G., & Diseth, T. H. (2018). Psychosocial care for hospitalized young survivors after the terror attack on Utøya Island: A qualitative study of the survivors’ experiences. Injury, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2018.10.024

Jensen, T. K., Holt, T., Ormhaug, S. M., Fjermestad, K., & Wentzel-Larsen, T. (2018). Change in post-traumatic cognitions mediates treatment effects for traumatized youth — A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(2), 166-177. doi:10.1037/cou0000258

Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2018). Investigating treatment characteristics and first-session relationship variables as predictors of dropout in the treatment of traumatized youth. Psychotherapy Research, 28(2), 235-249. doi:10.1080/10503307.2016.1189617


Glad, K. A., Hafstad, G. S., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2017). A longitudinal study of psychological distress and exposure to trauma reminders after terrorism. Psychological Trauma, 9, 145-152. doi:10.1037/tra0000224

Goldbeck, L., & Jensen, T. K. (2017). The diagnostic spectrum of trauma-related disorders in children and adolescents. In M. A. Landolt, M. Cloitre & U. Schnyder (Eds.) Evidence-based treatments for trauma related disorders in children and adolescents (pp. 3-28). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46138-0_1

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., Dyb, G., & Wentzel-Larsen, T. (2017). Emotional reactions in parents of the youth who experienced the Utøya shooting on 22 July 2011; results from a cohort study. BMJ Open, 7(10). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015345

Jensen, T. K., Holt, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2017). A follow-up study from a multisite, randomized controlled trial for traumatized children receiving TF-CBT. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45(8), 1587-1597. doi:10.1007/s10802-017-0270-0

Sachser, C., Berliner, L., Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., Jungbluth, N., Risch, E., . . . Goldbeck, L. et al. (2017). Comparing the dimensional structure and diagnostic algorithms between DSM-5 and ICD-11 PTSD in children and adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27(2), 181-190. doi:10.1007/s00787-017-1032-9

Sachser, C., Berliner, L., Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., Jungbluth, N., Risch, E., . . . Goldbeck, L. et al. (2017). International development and psychometric properties of the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS). Journal of Affective Disorders, 210, 189-195. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2016.12.040


Dos Santos, N. E., Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2016). Er det så ille å bli spurt om traumer? : barns opplevelser av traumekartlegging i BUP[ Is it really so upsetting? Traumatized children’s reaction to screening and symptom assessment] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 53(7), 536-545.

Filkukova, P., Hafstad, G. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2016). Who can I trust? Extended fear during and after the Utøya terrorist attack. Psychological Trauma, 8(4), 512-519. doi:10.1037/tra0000141

Filkukova, P., Jensen, T. K., Hafstad, G. S., Minde, H. T., & Minde, H. T., & Dyb, G. (2016). The relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and narrative structure among adolescent terrorist-attack survivors. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 7. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v7.29551

Glad, K. A., Jensen, T. K., Hafstad, G. S., & Dyb, G. (2016). Posttraumatic stress disorder and exposure to trauma reminders after a terrorist attack. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 17(4), 435-447. doi:10.1080/15299732.2015.1126777

Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2016). Behandling av barn og ungdom som har erfart traumer [Treatment for children and adolescents exposed to trauma] Norwegian only. In C. Øverlien, M. I. Hauge & J. H. Schultz (Red.) Barn, vold og traumer. Møter med unge i utsatte livssituasjoner. (pp. 237-250). Universitetsforlaget.

Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2016). Tidlig intervensjon og forebygging av traumerelaterte vansker og posttraumatisk stress hos barn og unge [Early intervention for traumarelated sypmtoms and posttramatisc stress] Norwegian only. In C. Øverlien, M. I. Hauge & J. H. Schultz (Red.) Barn, vold og traumer. Møter med unge i utsatte livssituasjoner. (pp. 23-44). Universitetsforlaget.

Thoresen, S., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Dyb, G. (2016). Parents of terror victims. A longitudinal study of parental mental health following the 2011 terrorist attack on Utøya Island. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 38, 47-54. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2016.01.004


Jensen, T. K., Thoresen, S., & Dyb, G. (2015). Coping responses in the midst of terror: The July 22 terror attack at Utøya Island in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56(1), 45-52. doi:10.1111/sjop.12182

Skårdalsmo, E. M. B., & Jensen, T. K. (2015). Unaccompanied refugee minors’ early life narratives of physical abuse from caregivers and teachers in their home countries. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 48, 148-159. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.08.003


Dittmann, I., & Jensen, T. K. (2014). Giving a voice to traumatized youth-Experiences with Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(7), 1221-1230. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.11.008

Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., Glad, K. A., Nygaard, E., & Thoresen, S. (2014). Early outreach to survivors of the shootings in Norway on the 22nd of July 2011. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 5. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v5.23523

Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., Nygaard, E., Ekeberg, Ø., Diseth, T. H., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Thoresen, S. (2014). Post-traumatic stress reactions in survivors of the 2011 massacre on Utøya Island, Norway. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(5), 361-367. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.133157

Glad, K. A., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2014). “Er det hjelp du har savnet etter terroranslaget på Utøya?” : foreldrene forteller[ ”Have you experienced any unmet needs after the terrorist attack at Utøya?”
The parents describe
] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 51(7), 537-545.

Hafstad, G. S., Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., Steinberg, A. M., & Pynoos, R. S. (2014). PTSD prevalence and symptom structure of DSM-5 criteria in adolescents and young adults surviving the 2011 shooting in Norway. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169(1), 40-46. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2014.06.055

Holt, T., Cohen, J., Mannarino, A., & Jensen, T. K. (2014). Parental Emotional Response to Children’s Traumas. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1057-1071. doi:10.1080/10926771.2014.953717

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., & Wentzel-Larsen, T. (2014). The change and the mediating role of parental emotional reactions and depression in the treatment of traumatized youth: results from a randomized controlled study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH), 8(1). doi:10.1186/1753-2000-8-11

Hukkelberg, S. S., Ormhaug, S. M., Holt, T., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2014). Diagnostic utility of CPSS vs. CAPS-CA for assessing posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(1), 51-56. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2013.11.001

Jensen, T. K., Holt, T., Ormhaug, S. M., Egeland, K., Granly, L., Hoaas, L. E. C., Hukkelberg, S. S., Indregard, T., Stormyren, S., & Wentzel-Larsen, T. (2014). A Randomized Effectiveness Study Comparing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With Therapy as Usual for Youth. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 43(3), 356-369. doi:10.1080/15374416.2013.822307

Jensen, T. K., Skårdalsmo, E. M. B., & Fjermestad, K. (2014). Development of mental health problems – a follow-up study of unaccompanied refugee minors. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH). doi:10.1186/1753-2000-8-29

Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Shirk, S. R. (2014). The Therapeutic Alliance in Treatment of Traumatized Youths: Relation to Outcome in a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(1), 52-64. doi:10.1037/a0033884

Thoresen, S., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2014). Media Participation and Mental Health in Terrorist Attack Survivors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27(6), 639-646. doi:10.1002/jts.21971

Thoresen, S., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Dyb, G. (2014). Social support barriers and mental health in terrorist attack survivors. Journal of Affective Disorders, 156, 187-193. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2013.12.014


Glad, K. A., Jensen, T. K., Holt, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2013). Exploring self-perceived growth in a clinical sample of severely traumatized youth. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(5), 331-342. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.02.007

Jensen, T. K., Ellestad, A., & Dyb, G. (2013). Children and adolescents’ self-reported coping strategies during the Southeast Asian Tsunami. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 92. doi:10.1111/bjc.12003

Jensen, T. K., Fjermestad, K., Granly, L., & Wilhelmsen, N. (2013). Stressful Life Experiences and Mental Health Problems among Unaccompanied Asylumseeking Children. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1177/1359104513499356

Søftestad, S., Toverud, R., & Jensen, T. K. (2013). Interactive Regulated Participation: Children’s perspectives on child–parent interaction when suspicion of child sexual abuse is raised. Qualitative Social Work, 12(5), 603-619. doi:10.1177/1473325012454913


Hafstad, G. S., Haavind, H., & Jensen, T. K. (2012). Parenting after a natural disaster: A qualitative study of Norwegian families surviving the 2004 Tsunami in Southeast Asia. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21(2), 293-302. doi:10.1007/s10826-011-9474-z

Jensen, T. K. (2012). Interviewer med barn og unge i spesielt vanskelige livsstituasjoner – Kan vi snakke med barn om alt? In E. Backe-Hansen & I. Frønes (Red.) Metoder og perspektiver i barne- og ungdomsforskning (pp. 95-120). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Jensen, T. K., Granly, L., Hoaas, L. E., & Stormyren, S. (2012). Traumefokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi for barn og unge som har vært utsatt for traumer [Traumafocused cognitive behavioral therapy for children exposed to trauma.] Norwegian only. In K. Martinsen & R. Hagen (Red.) Håndbok i kognitiv atferdsterapi i behandling av barn og unge (pp. 169-199). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Nygaard, E., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2012). Stability of posttraumatic stress reaction factors and their relation to general mental health problems in children: A longitudinal study. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 41(1), 15-26. doi:10.1080/15374416.2012.632344

Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., Hukkelberg, S. S., & Egeland, K. (2012). Traumer hos barn – blir de gjemt eller glemt? Kartlegging av traumatiske erfaringer hos barn og unge henvist til BUP[ Screening for traumatic experiences among children and adolescents referred to outpatient clinics] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 49, 234-239.


Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., & Nygaard, E. (2011). Children’s and parents’ posttraumatic stress reactions after the 2004 tsunami. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 16(2), 1-14. doi:10.1177/1359104510391048

Hukkelberg, S. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2011). The Dimensionality of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Their Relationship to Depression in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(3), 326-333. doi:10.1002/jts.20637

Jensen, T. K. (2011). Intervjuer med barn og unge i spesielt vanskelige livssituasjoner. Kan vi snakke med barn om alt? [Interviews with children and adolescents in difficult life situations – Can we talk to children about everything?] Norwegian only. In E. Backe-Hansen & I. Frønes (Red.) Å forske på og med barn og unge- perspektiver og metodologi (pp. 2-3). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Jensen, T. K. (2011). Posttraumatisk stress hos barn og unge – forståelse og prinsipper for behandling[ Understanding posttraumatic stress in youth: guidelines for trauma-focused treatment.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 48(1), 57-63.

Jensen, T. K., & Mossige, S. (2011). Den vanskelige samtalen. In A. L. Von der Lippe & M. H. Rønnestad (Red.) Det kliniske intervjuet. Bind II. Praksis med ulike klientgrupper (pp. 153-178). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Teigen, K. H., & Jensen, T. K. (2011). Unlucky Victims or Lucky Survivors? Spontaneous Counterfactual Thinking by Families Exposed to the Tsunami Disaster. European Psychologist, 16(1), 48-57. doi:10.1027/1016-9040/a000033


Dittmann, I., & Jensen, T. K. (2010). Enslige mindreårige flyktningers psykiske helse – en litteraturstudie[ The mental health of young unaccompanied refugees – a review.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 47(9), 812-817.

Jensen, T. K., & Backe-Hansen, E. (2010). Child protection in Norway: Challenges and Opportunities. In H. Dubowitz (Ed.) International Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect (pp. 131-138). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Jensen, T. K., Haavind, H., Gulbrandsen, W., Mossige, S., Reichelt, S., & Tjersland, O. A. (2010). What constitutes a good working alliance in therapy with children that may have been sexually abused. Qualitative Social Work, 9, 461-478.

Nygaard, E., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2010). Posttraumatic Stress Reactions in Siblings After Mutual Disaster: Relevance of Family Factors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(2), 278-281. doi:10.1002/jts.20511


Backe-Hansen, E., & Jensen, T. K. (2009). Child protection in Norway: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, 2(3), 381-387.

Glad, K. A., Jensen, T. K., Nygaard, E., Dyb, G., & Hafstad, G. S. (2009). Møtet med hjelpeapparatet etter tsunamien – behov og tilfredshet [Satisfaction with norwegian healthcare after the Tsunami.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 46(5), 473-475.

Jensen, T. K. (2009). Barn og ungdom utsatt for seksuelle overgrep – Blir de hørt? [Sexually abused children and adolescents: Are they heard?] Norwegian only. In R. Hjermann & K. Haanes (Red.) Barn (pp. 274-282). Universitetsforlaget.

Jensen, T. K., Dyb, G., & Nygaard, E. (2009). A Longitudinal Study of Posttraumatic Stress Reactions in Norwegian Children and Adolescents Exposed to the 2004 Tsunami. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 163(9), 856-861. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2009.151

Lindgaard, C. V., Iglebæk, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2009). Changes in Family Functioning in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster: The 2004 Tsunami in Southeast Asia. Journal of loss & trauma, 14(2), 101-116. doi:10.1080/15325020802537138


Iglebæk, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2008). Barns meningsdannelse under flodbølgekatastrofen i Sørøst–Asia[ Children’s meaningmaking in the wake of a disaster: the tsunami in Southeast Asia.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 12, 1488-1497.

Jensen, T. K. (2008). Når katastrofen aldri tar slutt [When the catastrophe never ends.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 12, 1486-1487.

Stormyren, S., & Jensen, T. K. (2008). Verdensanskuelser etter en katastrofe[ Adolescents World Assumptions following the Southeast Asian Tsunami.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 12, 1498-1506.

Tjersland, O. A., Gulbrandsen, W., Juuhl-Langseth, M., Jensen, T. K., Mossige, S., & Reichelt, S. (2008). From betrayal to support: A case history of incest. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 19, 242-258.


Jensen, T. K. (2007). Hvordan kan vi forstå og hjelpe barn som har vært utsatt for traumer? [How can we understand and help children exposed for trauma?] Norwegian only. In H. Haavind & H. Øvreeide (Red.) Barn og unge i psykoterapi: samspill og utviklingsforståelse (pp. 294-327). Gyldendal Akademisk.


Dubowitz, H., Lane, W., Grief, J., Jensen, T. K., & Lamb, M. (2006). Low Income African American Fathers’ Involvement in Children’s Lives: Implications for Practitioners. Journal of Family Social Work, 10(1), 25-41.

Juuhl-Langseth, M., Tjersland, O. A., Gulbrandsen, W., Jensen, T., Mossige, S., & Reichelt, S. (2006). Mor–datter – forholdet etter seksuelle overgrep: En analyse av et terapiforløp [Mother–daughter relationship after incest: An analysis of the therapy process] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 43(10), 1012-1022.

Tjersland, O. A., Mossige, S., Wenke, G., Jensen, T. K., & Reichelt, S. (2006). Helping families when child sexual abuse is suspected but not proven. Child & Family Social Work, 11, 297-306. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2006.00409.x


Jensen, T. K. (2005). The Interpretation of Signs of Child Sexual Abuse. Culture & Psychology, 11(4), 469-498.

Jensen, T. K., Gulbrandsen, W., Mossige, S., Tjersland, O. A., & Reichelt, S. (2005). Reporting possible sexual abuse: A qualitative study on children’s perspectives and the context for disclosure. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 29(12), 1395-1413.

Mossige, S., Jensen, T. K., Gulbrandsen, W., Reichelt, S., & Tjersland, O. A. (2005). Children’s narratives of sexual abuse: What characterizes them and how do they contribute to meaning-making. Narrative Inquiry, 15(2), 377-404.


Reichelt, S., Tjersland, O. A., Gulbrandsen, W., Jensen, T. K., & Mossige, S. (2004). From the system of sexual abuse to the system of suspicion. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 23, 67-82.


Mossige, S., Tjersland, O. A., Gulbrandsen, W., Jensen, T. K., & Reichelt, S. (2003). Mistanke om seksuelle overgrep mot barn: Utviklingen i familier under og etter samtalehjelp. Del II: Status ett år etter avsluttet behandling [Suspicion of child sexual abuse: Changes in families during and after therapy. Part II: The families situation one year after treatment.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 40, 295-306.

Tjersland, O. A., Mossige, S., Gulbrandsen, W., Jensen, T. K., & Reichelt, S. (2003). Mistanke om seksuelle overgrep mot barn: Utviklingen i familier under og etter samtalehjelp. Del I: Behandlingsideer og kjennetegn ved utvalget [Suspicion of child sexual abuse: Changes in families during and after therapy. Part I: Therapeutic ideas and the participants.] Norwegian only. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 40, 282-294.


Jensen, T. K. (2002). Mistanke om seksuelle overgrep. Foreldres fortolkning som kulturell praksis [Mistanke om seksuelle overgrep – Foreldres fortolkning som kulturell praksis. [Suspicion of sexual abuse – Parental interpretation as cultural practice.]] Norwegian only. In R. Toverud & K. Thorsen (Red.) Kulturpsykologi. Bevegelser i livsløp (pp. 76-102). Universitetsforlaget.

Jensen, T. K., & Mossige, S. (2002). Den vanskelige samtalen: Mistanke om seksuelle overgrep mot et barn [Difficult dialogues: Suspicions of child sexual abuse.] Norwegian only. In M. H. Rønnestad & A. von der Lippe (Red.) Det kliniske intervju (pp. 361-382). .

Toverud, R., Thorsen, K., Gulbrandsen, L. M., Andenæs, A., Hjort, H., Jensen, T. K., & Ulvik, O. S. (2002). Kulturpsykologi – utgangspunkt, mål og framkomstmidler [Cultural psychology – Perspectives, goals and how to get there.] Norwegian only. In R. Toverud & K. Thorsen (Red.) Kulturpsykologi. Bevegelser i livsløp (pp. 17-34). Universitetsforlaget.


Jensen, T. K. (1999). Samtalen som forsvant. Kan deltagelse i familieterapeutiske samtaler hjelpe til å gjenopprette dialogen i familien? [The lost dialogue. Can children’s participation in family therapy help restore the dialogues in the family?] Norwegian only. Fokus på familien, 4, 203-214.


Mossige, S., & Jensen, T. K. (1996). Historien om Karen og Ellen og deres hjelpere. Dilemmaer og problemer i arbeidet med seksuelle overgrep [The story about Karen and Ellen and their helpers. Dilemmas and problems in working with child sexual abuse] Norwegian only. In H. Haavind & S. Reichelt (Red.) Aktiv psykoterapi (pp. 283-305). .


Mossige, S., Tjersland, O. A., & Jensen, T. K. (1995). Seksuelle overgrep mot barn: Er tverrfaglig og tverretatlig samarbeid en kilde til problemoppløsning elle problemskaping. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 32, 517-535.

Books and dissertations

G. Dyb & T. K. Jensen (Red.) (2019). Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Jensen, T. K. (2005). Suspitions of Child Sexual Abuse. Dialogicality and meaning making. Unipub forlag. (Dissertation).


Birkeland, M. S., Blestad, C., Granly, L., Knutsen, M. L., Ormhaug, S. M., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. (2024). Femten år med forskning på og implementering av traumefokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi (TF-CBT) i Norge. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 1/2024).

Livingstone, S., Stoilova, M., Stänicke, L. I., Jessen, R. S., Graham, R., Staksrud, E., & Jensen, T. (2022). Adolescents experiencing internetrelated mental health difficulties: the benefits and risks of digital skills. Leuven: KU Leuven ySKILLS GA 870612.

Livingstone, S., Stoilova, M., Stänicke, L. I., Jessen, R. S., Graham, R., Staksrud, E., & Jensen, T. (2022). Young people experiencing internet-related mental health difficulties: the benefits and risks of digital skills. Leuven: KU Leuven , ySKILLS.

Borgen, G., Dyb, G., Hafstad, G. S., Jensen, T. K., Langballe, Å., Myhre, M., . . . Øverlien, C. et al. (2011). Seksuelle og fysiske overgrep mot barn og unge. Kunnskapsstatus. Revidert 2011 [Sexual and physical abuse of children and adolescents. A review: Revised 2011. ] Norwegian only.

Jensen, T. K., Dyb, G., Hafstad, G. S., Nygaard, E., & Lindgaard, C. V. (2008). Tsunamien: Berørte barn og deres familier [The Tsunami: Affected children and their families.] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 4/2008).

Other publications


Andersson, E. S., Jensen, T., & Skar, A. M. S. (2024). Enslige mindreårige asylsøkere er både sårbare og ressurssterke. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).


Glad, K. A., Undset, A. B., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Jensen, T., Dyb, G. A., & Berg, A. O. (2023 June). “My child could have died”: Counterfactual thinking and mental health in caregivers of young terrorism survivors. Paper presented at 17th European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, Belfast.

Undset, A. B., Jensen, T., Dyb, G. A., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Blix, I. (2023 June). Vividness and frequency of counterfactual thinking –the role of exposure and peri-trauma reactions, and associations with posttraumatic stress symptoms. Paper presented at The 17th biennial conference of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Trauma and resilience through the ages: A life course perspective, Belfast.

Undset, A. B., Jensen, T., Dyb, G. A., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Blix, I. (2023 September). Thoughts about what could have happened among survivors of terrorism: Vividness and frequency of counterfactual thinking, and the role of exposure and reactions. Paper presented at ESCOP 2023 – 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.

Haabrekke, K. J. Ø., Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T., Knutsen, M. L., Martinsen, M., Nymoen, C., & Skjærvø, I. (2023 June). Stepping Together for Children after Trauma, a parent-led, therapist-assisted trauma treatment -Children’s views on the treatment. Paper presented at ESTSS biennial conference, Belfast.

Ormhaug, S. M., Augusti, E. M., Birkeland, M. S., Bræin, M. K., Evang, A., Hafstad, G. S., Hansen, L. S., Jensen, T., Knutsen, M. L., Løken, P. M. H. M., Michaelsen, K., Moen, L. H., Päivärinne, H. M., Simonsen, A. H., Skar, A. M. S., Øverland, K., & Øverlien, C. (2023). Angsten for å snakke med barn om vold og overgrep. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.

Ormhaug, S. M., Augusti, E. M., Birkeland, M. S., Bræin, M. K., Evang, A., Hafstad, G. S., Hansen, L. S., Jensen, T., Knutsen, M. L., Løken, P. M. H. M., Michaelsen, K., Moen, L. H., Päivärinne, H. M., Simonsen, A. H., Skar, A. M. S., Øverland, K., & Øverlien, C. (2023). Barn trenger rom til å fortelle. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.

Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T., & Øverland, K. (2023). Angsten for å snakke med barn om vold og overgrep. Vi er bekymret for at påstander om filmen «Alle barn har rett til en trygg barndom» kan føre til at vi blir redde for å snakke med barn om vold og overgrep. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. doi:10.31265/ps.695

Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T., Øverland, K., Augusti, E. M., Birkeland, M. S., Bræin, M. K., Evang, A., Hafstad, G. S., Hansen, L. S., & Øverlien, C. (2023). Barn trenger rom til å fortelle. Vi må unngå å skape usikkerhet om det er greit å snakke med barn om vold. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening.


Fagermoen, E. M., Jensen, T. K., Skjærvø, I., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2022 November). Child and Caregiver Secondary Outcomes after the Parent-led step 1 of Stepped Care Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children after Trauma (SC-CBT-CT): Results from a Pilot Study. Paper presented at ISTSS 38th Annual Meeting: Trauma and Transdiagnostic Risk Factor Across the Lifespan, Atlanta, Georgia.

Fagermoen, E. M., Jensen, T. K., Martinsen, M., & Marianne, M., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2022 May). Foreldrenes opplevelse av å hjelpe barna sine med å få det bedre gjennom Trinnvis TF-CBT. Foredrag på NKVTS-konferansen om kunnskapsbasert traumebehandling, Oslo.

Jensen, T. (2022 May). How can we understand and support trauma exposed children? Some things to do. Paper presented at Psychological reactions to war and trauma, Oslo.

Jensen, T. (2022 May). How can we understand, support and screen trauma exposed children?. Paper presented at How to Ensure and Promote Mental Health in War Contexts- Assessing and Responding to the Impact of Trauma through Child and Adolescence Development, Warsaw.

Jensen, T. (2022 May). Psykologen / hjelperen her hjemme: Hva kan vi gjøre?. Foredrag på Foredragsserie om krigen i Ukraina, Oslo.

Jensen, T. (2022 May). Trauma-focused treatment (TF-CBT) for PTSD in children and possible change mechanisms. Paper presented at Gjesteforelesning, Zurich.

Jensen, T. (2022 November). “They’re not going to understand anyway”: Why youth may be reluctant to talk about their negative online experiences. Paper presented at Konferanse, Oslo/UK.

Jensen, T. (2022 November). Possible change processes in child trauma treatment. Paper presented at 3rd International trauma informed care conference, UK.

Jensen, T. (2022 September). Treatment of Children and Adolescents with PTSD: Where are we at?. Paper presented at Second International Conference on Trauma and mental health., Jerusalem.

Birkeland, M. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. (2022). Å bli alvorlig mobbet på skolen kan skade like mye som vold i hjemmet. Forskersonen.no.

Ormhaug, S. M., Skjærvø, I., Fagermoen, E. M., Gurandsrud, P., Haabrekke, K. J. Ø., Knutsen, M., Næss, A., Päivärinne, H. M., & Jensen, T. (2022). Tidlig hjelp til traumeutsatte barn – utprøving av Trinnvis TF-CBT i kommunale tjenester for barn og unge: Oppsummering av resultater fra en gjennomførbarhetsstudie. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stressUniversitetet i Oslo.


Birkeland, M. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2021 February). Do different traumatic events invoke different kinds of post-traumatic stress symptoms?. Paper presented at Celebrating 10 years of the European Journal of Psychotraumatology.

Birkeland, M. S., Blestad, C., Skar, A. M. S., Thoresen, S., & Jensen, T. (2021 November). Brukermedvirkning i utvikling av app til bruk i behandling av PTSD. Foredrag på Brukermedvirkning i forskning og fagutvikling, Lillehammer.

Birkeland, M. S., Blestad, C., Skar, A. M. S., Thoresen, S., & Jensen, T. (2021 September). Min hverdag: Utvikling og pilottesting av en app til bruk i behandling av posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD) i BUP. Foredrag på Ahus ABUP Forskningsseminar, Lørenskog.

Fagermoen, E. M., Jensen, T., Skjærvø, I., Martinsen, M., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2021 November). How parents in Norwegian municipalities experience the therapist-assisted parent-led treatment Stepped Care Trauma-Focused Behavioral Therapy (SC-TF-CBT)?. Paper presented at ISTSS 37th Annual Meeting: Trauma in Context: Moving Beyond the Individual, Atlanta, Georgia.

Andersson, E. S., & Jensen, T. (2021 December). Barn på flukt alene – Hvordan går det med dem og hva trenger de av oss?. Foredrag på Fagkveld om enslige unge flyktninger i Norge, Oslo.

Jensen, T. (2021 November). Behandling av traumatiserte barn og unge og endringsprosesser. Foredrag på Seminar, København.

Jensen, T. (2021 September). Hvilke effekter har traumer på barn og unge?. Foredrag på Forskningsdagene.

Jensen, T., Granly, L., Hoaas, L. E. C., & Stormyren, S. (2021). Traumefokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi for barn og unge. In K. Martinsen & R. Hagen (Red.) Håndbok i kognitiv atferdsterapi i behandling av barn og unge (pp. 239-265). Gyldendal Akademisk.


Andersson, E. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2020 February). Barn på flukt alene – Hvordan går det med dem og hva trenger de av oss?. Foredrag på De daglige utfordringene- viktigere enn vi tror?, Oslo.

Andersson, E. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2020 September). Mot et bedre liv: Vendepunkter blant enslige mindreårige asylsøkere under 16 år. Foredrag på Migrasjonskonferanse 2020: Helse og arbeid i det nye landet, Scandic Flesland Airport Hotell, Bergen.

Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2020 January). Latest Research in Service Provision for Traumatized Youth. The importance of leaders to support service provision. Paper presented at 35th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, San Diego.

Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2020 January). The importance of leaders to support service provision. Paper presented at 35th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, San Diego.

Jensen, T. (2020 January). Hvordan kan vi forstå og behandle traumatiserte barn og unge?. Foredrag på Konferanse, Odense.

Jensen, T. (2020 November). Psykisk helse og Barnekonvensjonens artikkel 24. Trinnvis TF-CBT – en modell for lavterskel psykisk helsetilbud. Foredrag på Lucy Smith’s barnerettighetsdag.

Andersson, E. S., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. (2020). Mot et bedre liv: vendepunkter blant enslige mindreårige asylsøkere under 16 år. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 17(4). doi:https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1504-3010-2020-04-10

Borge, R. H., Skar, A. M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2020 March). Målet er systematisk traumekartlegging. Er holdninger til evidensbasert praksis en del av løsningen? [The goal is systematic trauma screening. Are attitudes to evidence-based practices part of the solution?]. Foredrag på Helseforskningskonferansen, Oslo.


Stensland, S., Thoresen, S., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Zwart, J. A., & Dyb, G. (2019 November). Smerte og posttraumatiske stress reaksjoner etter terror Utøyastudien. Foredrag på MUSS-konferansen 2019, Gardermoen.

Andersson, E. S., Jensen, T. K., & Skar, A. M. S. (2019 June). Unaccompanied minor refugees and resettlement: Turning points, Meaning making, and Pathways. Paper presented at ESTSS 2019, Rotterdam.

Skar, A. M. S., Birkeland, M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019 January). Does routine screening for trauma matter? A quasi-experiment of differences in diagnoses after implementation of trauma screening procedures in Norway. Paper presented at The 34th annual San Diego international conference on child and family maltreatment, San Diego.

Skar, A. M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019 June). Implementing trauma focused treatments with fidelity into child and adolescent mental health clinics. Anchoring new approaches in the organization to ensure reach over time. Paper presented at Konferanse, Rotterdam.

Harpviken, A. N., Skar, A. M. S., Birkeland, M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019 September). Who reports what? A comparison of child and caregiver’s reports of child trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Paper presented at 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV), Oslo.

Jensen, T. K. (2019 September). Implementing evidence based practices in real world clinics in Norway – Challenges and possible solutions. Paper presented at Conference on behavior disorders associated with child abuse and maltreatment., Marburg.

Jensen, T. K., Berliner, L., & Bisson, J. (2019 June). ISTSS guidelines for treating PTSD. Paper presented at ESTSS Conference, Rotterdam.

Jensen, T. K., Berliner, L., & Kassam-Adams, N. (2019 November). Implementation of the ISTSS PTSD Guidelines Recommendations for Children and Adolescents in Everyday Settings: Choosing and Using the Best Treatment. Paper presented at ISTSS Conference, Boston.

Borge, R. H., Blestad, C., Skar, A. M. S., Skagemo, C. U., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019 September). Treating Young Victims of Domestic Violence: The Usefulness of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Paper presented at 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence, Oslo.

Jensen, T. K. (2019). Commentary: I thought I was going to die and the world is not safe—how to help children recover after trauma? Reflections on Meiser-Stedman et al.(2019). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60, 885-887. doi:10.1111/jcpp.13081

Martinsen, M., Dyrdal, G. M., Fagermoen, E. M., Næss, A., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2019 November). Bridging the Gap in Trauma Treatment: Introducing Stepped Care TF-CBT in Community Level Care. Paper presented at ISTSS 35th Annual Meeting, Boston.

Næss, A., Jensen, T. K., Skjærvø, I., Ormhaug, S. M., Skagemo, C. U., & Martinsen, M. (2019 September). Municipal Leaders’ Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Interventions Targeting Interpersonal Violence: Testing Stepped-Care Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy (SC-TF-CBT) in Norway. Paper presented at 3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV), Oslo, Oslo Congress Center.

Skar, A. M. S., Jensen, T. K., & Selvanayagam, K. (2019). Veien fra ankomst til bosatt. In R. Dybdahl, L. Lien, H. Siem, H. H. Bakke & I. Julardzija (Red.) Asylsøkere og flyktninger. Psykisk helse og livsmestring (pp. 144-156). Universitetsforlaget.


Stensland, S., Thoresen, S., Jensen, T. K., Wentzel-Larsen, T., & Dyb, G. (2018 November). Early somatic symptoms predict posttraumatic stress over time. The Utøya study. Paper presented at ISTSS 2018, Washington DC.

Ormhaug, S. M., Sachser, C., Pffeiffer, E., Goldbeck, L., & Jensen, T. K. (2018 November). Posttraumatic cognitions (PTCs) predict PTSD, but what predicts PTC?. Paper presented at ISTSS, Washington, DC.

Jensen, T. K. (2018 November). International treatment guidelines for trauma. Paper presented at International society for traumatic stress studies, Washington DC.

Jensen, T. K. (2018 November). Research on TF-CBT in Norway – What have we learned about change processes?. Paper presented at From research to practice – change processes in psychotherapy with traumatized youth, Oslo.

Jensen, T. K., & Skårdalsmo, E. M. B. (2018 December). Barn på flukt – hvordan går det med dem og hva trenger de av oss?. Foredrag på Oslo Peace Days – Seminar om menneskerettigheter, Oslo.

Jensen, T. K., Skar, A. M. S., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2018 September). Implementing TF-CBT in Norwegian Child Mental Health Clinics: Youth’s reports of distress following routine trauma screening. Paper presented at ISPCAN XXII International Congress on child abuse and neglect, Praha.

Jensen, T. K., Amstader, A., Berliner, L., Bisson, J., Cloitre, M., & Monson, C. M. (2018 November). ISTSS Prevention and Treatment Guidelines Panel. Paper presented at ISTSS Conference, Washington, DC.


Skar, A. M. S., Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2017 June). Is trauma screening upsetting for youth?. Paper presented at 15th Conference of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), Odense.

Ormhaug, S. M., Birkeland, M. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2017 June). “I don’t want to talk about it”. Youth’ disengagement in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). Paper presented at ESTSS konferansen, Odense.

Jensen, T. K. (2017). Behandling av traumatiserte barn og ungdom: Traume-fokusert kognitiv atferdsterapi. In J. Kjøbli, H. Eng, S. K. Ertesvåg & I. Frønes (Red.) Å mestre det vanskelige. Individrettede intervensjoner for barn og unge (pp. 97-112). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Kjelaas, I., Solvor Mjønes, L., Jensen, T. K., Eide, K., Lønning, M. N., Lønning, M. N., Lidén, H., Sveaass, N., Oppedal, B., Omland, G. B., Pastoor, L. d. W., Guribye, E., Dyregrov, A., & Flatland, T. (2017). Mot bedre viten om barns beste. www.nrk.no/ytring.


Skar, A. M. S., Ormhaug, S. M., Granly, L., & Jensen, T. K. (2016 December). Transferring Knowledge to Practice: Implementing TF-CBT in Norwegian Child Mental Health Clinics. Paper presented at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas.

Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2016 November). One Question Can Predict Outcome In Trauma-Focused CBT: “Do You Think We Have Found A Good Way to Work on Your Difficult Thoughts and Feelings?”. Paper presented at ISTSS.

Filkukova, P., Hafstad, G. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2016 October). Who can I trust? Extended fear during and after the Utøya terrorist attack. Paper presented at Fem år siden 22. juli: Hva har vi lært?.

Jensen, T. K. (2016). “Det er som om stefar er inni hodet mitt hele tiden”. Hvordan kan vi forstå og hjelpe traumatiserte barn og ungdom? In H. Haavind & H. Øvreeide (Red.) Barn og unge i psykoterapi, bind 2 (pp. 312-343). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Jensen, T., Omland, G. B., & Sveaass, N. (2016). Asylpolitikk uten dekning i vår forskning. aftenposten.no.


Filkukova, P., Hafstad, G. S., & Jensen, T. K. (2015 July). Who can I trust? Circles of distrust during and after the Utøya terrorist attack. Paper presented at 14th biennial European Congress of Psychology, Milano.

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2015 June). The change trajectories in parental emotional and depressive reactions during and after their traumatized child receives treatment. Paper presented at Europeisk traumekonferanse, Vilnius.

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2015 November). Emotional reactions in parents of youth experiencing the 22 July Utøya shooting-Results from the Utøya study conducted at NKVTS, Oslo, Norway. Paper presented at Internasjonal traumekonferanse, New Orleans, USA.

Jensen, T. K. (2015). Hvorfor oppdager vi ikke overgrep mot barn. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).


Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., & Holt, T. (2014 November). Won’t they be very upset? Ethical considerations when assessing for trauma and trauma symptoms in child and adolescent mental health clinics. Paper presented at ISTSS 30th annual meeting, Miami, FL, USA.

Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., & Thoresen, S. (2014 November). The Norway 2011 Terror Attack: Parents’ experiences and posttraumatic stress reactions. Paper presented at ISTSS 31st Annual Meeting, Miami.

Holt, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2014 November). Posttraumatic cognitions in two samples of highly traumatized youth. Paper presented at Vitenskapelig, internasjonal konferanse om traumer, Miami, USA.

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2014 June). The role of parental and child reported social support in treatment of traumatized children and youth. Paper presented at Internasjonal, vitenskapelig konferanse om psykoterpi, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Skårdalsmo, E. M. B., Fjermestad, K., & Jensen, T. K. (2014 November). Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children – Development of Mental Health and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms after Settlement. Paper presented at Healing Lives and Communities: Addressing the Effects of Childhood Trauma Across the Life Span, Miami.


Hafstad, G. S., Glad, K. A., & Jensen, T. K. (2013 September). Narrative hotspots og PTSD. En studie av det verste øyeblikket i fortellingene om Utøya. Foredrag på Understanding terror and violence in the lives of children and adolescents, Oslo.

Hafstad, G. S., Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., Steinberg, A. M., & Pynoos, R. S. (2013 June). PTSD Factor Structure and PTSD Casesness Among Adolescents and Young Adults After the 2011 shooting in Norway: An investigation of the Proposed Symptoms of PTSD for DSM-5. Paper presented at 13the Eurpoean Conference on Traumatic Stress Studies (ECTOTS), Bologna.

Glad, K. A., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2013 June). Parenting after terror – Experiences from an outreach strategy after the 22nd of July terror attack at Utøya Island. Paper presented at 13th European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Bologna.

Glad, K. A., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2013 September). “Er det hjelp du har savnet etter terroranslaget på Utøya?” Foreldrene forteller. Foredrag på Understanding terror and violence in the lives of children and adolescents.

Thoresen, S., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2013 June). Exploring the social causation hypothesis and the social selection hypothesis in young survivors from the shooting at the Utøya Island, Norway. Paper presented at 13th European Conference on Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), Bologna.

Ormhaug, S. M., Holt, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2013 July). Predictors of Nonresponse in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) With Youth. Paper presented at 7th World Congress of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, Lima, Peru.

Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., Nygaard, E., Ekeberg, Ø., Diseth, T. H., & Thoresen, S. (2013 June). Post-traumatic stress reactions (PTSR) in survivors from a terror attack in Norway: Exploring the meaning of gender, age, traumatic exposure and social support in an unselected and highly exposed group. Paper presented at 13th European Conference on Traumatic Stress Studies, Bologna.

Jensen, T. K. (2013 June). Challenges and opportunities in implementing an Evidence Based Method for Treating Traumatized Youth (TF-CBT) in Regular Clinics. Paper presented at Symposium at the ESTSS conference. Bologna, Italy.

Jensen, T. K. (2013 November). Implementing an Evidence-based Method for Treating Traumatized Youth (TF-CBT) in Regular Clinics — Experiences from Norway. Paper presented at ISTSS symposium: Lessons Learned from Disseminating Evidence-based Trauma Treatments: Results of Four Projects.

Jensen, T. K. (2013 September). Implementing evidence based treatment in Norway – Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at ISTSS & ESTSS konferansen Understanding terror and violence in the lives of children and adolescents.

Holt, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2013 July). Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for traumatized youth: mediators of treatment outcome. Paper presented at 7th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies.

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2013 June). The Role of Parental and Child reported Social Support in Treatment of Traumatized Children and Youth. Paper presented at European Conference on Traumatic Stress.

Jensen, T. K. (2013). Enslige mindreårige asylsøkere i Norge – får de nok hjelp. Speilvendt, 4, 14-19.


Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., & Holt, T. (2012 November). Behandling av traumatiserte barn og unge: resultater fra en behandlingsstudie i Norge. Foredrag på Atferdskonferansen, Oslo.

Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., & Shirk, S. R. (2012 June). The working alliance in treatment of traumatized youth: How is it related to outcome in different types of treatments?. Paper presented at SPR Annual meeting, Virginia.

Ormhaug, S. M., Jensen, T. K., & Shirk, S. R. (2012 November). Treating traumatized youth: The relationship between therapeutic alliance, treatment method and outcome. Paper presented at ISTSS, Los Angeles.

Dyb, G., Hafstad, G. S., Jensen, T. K., Steinberg, A. M., & Pynoos, R. S. (2012 November). Negative Alterations in Cognition and Mood Among Adolescents and Adults After the 2011 Catastrophic Violence in Norway: An Investigation of the Proposed Symptoms of PTSD for DSM-V. Paper presented at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

Dyb, G., Jensen, T. K., Thoresen, S., Glad, K. A., & Nygaard, E. (2012 November). Outreach and Follow-up in Norwegian Muncipalities After the 2011 Terror Attack. Paper presented at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

Jensen, T. K. (2012 August). Om Utøya forskningen. Foredrag på Nordisk seminar.

Jensen, T. K. (2012 January). Implementing TF-CBT in regular clinics – Therapist barriers and children’s experiences. Paper presented at 26th Annual San Diego International conference.

Jensen, T. K. (2012 July). Bridging the gap between science and practice in child and adolescent psychiatry: Implementing an evidence-based method for treating traumatized youth in regular clinics – Experiences from Norway. Paper presented at IACAPAP (International association for Child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions).

Jensen, T. K. (2012 June). Psykotraumatologien anno 2012. Foredrag på Konferanse Falck – Healthcare.

Jensen, T. K. (2012 May). Behandling av traumatiserte barn. Foredrag på OUS konferanse.

Jensen, T. K., Thoresen, S., & Dyb, G. (2012 November). Coping in the Midst of Terror: Adolescents’ Self-Perceived Coping Reactions During the 22 July Terror Attack at Utoya in Norway. Paper presented at Symposium på ISTSS 28th Annual Meeting: Beyond Boundaries: Innovations to Expand Services and Tailor Traumatic Stress Treatments., Los Angeles.

Jensen, T. K., Holt, T., & Ormhaug, S. M. (2012 November). Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – the Mediating Role of Negative Trauma-Related Cognitions. Paper presented at Symposium på ISTSS 28th Annual Meeting: Beyond Boundaries: Innovations to Expand Services and Tailor Traumatic Stress Treatments.

Halvorsen, J. Ø., Jensen, T. K., & Stenmark, H. (2012 August). Psykologisk behandling av PTSD: Tre randomiserte kontrollerte studier fra Norge. Foredrag på Den 9. norske psykologikongressen 2012, Oslo Kongressenter, Oslo.

Holt, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2012 June). Parental Influence on children’s post-traumatic symptoms. Paper presented at International meeting, Virginia Beach, VA, USA.

Holt, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2012 November). The Mediating Role of Parental Factors on Therapy Outcome of Traumatized Youths: Results from A Randomized Controlled Study in Norway. Paper presented at ISTSS 28th Annual Meeting: Beyond Boundaries: Innovations to Expand Services and Tailor Treatments, Los Angeles.

Holt, T., Jensen, T. K., Ormhaug, S. M., & Saur, R. (2012 October). Trauma Focused CBT – results from an effectiveness study in Norway. Paper presented at Konferanse, Tallinn.


Holt, T., & Jensen, T. K. (2011 August). Parents of traumatized cchildren: How do they react and support their children after traumatic experiences?. Paper presented at 15th European Conference, Bergen, Norway.

Nygaard, E., Jensen, T. K., & Dyb, G. (2011 August). Association between family members posttraumatic stress reactions after the tsunami in South-East Asia December 26th 2004. Paper presented at 15th European conference on developmental psychology, Bergen.


Holt, T., Ormhaug, S. M., & Jensen, T. K. (2010 September). Trauma Focused CBT – How to get clinicians, parents and children involved. Results from an effectiveness study. Paper presented at International Meeting, Honolulu Hawaii, USA.


Teigen, K. H., & Jensen, T. K. (2009 July). Unlucky victims or lucky survivors? Spontaneous counterfactual thinking by tourists exposed to a natural disaster. Paper presented at 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo.


Teigen, K. H., & Jensen, T. K. (2008 June). Are “lucky” survivors saved by luck or by Luck?. Paper presented at 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Opatija.


Jensen, T. K. (2003 August). Helping families where there are unclear suspicions of child sexual abuse. A qualitative study. Paper presented at Research conference: Child Abuse & Neglect, Baltimore, MD.


Jensen, T. K. (2000 July). The lost dialogue: communication in families where there is concern about sexual abuse. Paper presented at Conference for socialcultural research.


Jensen, T. K. (1998 September). Working therapeutically with sexual abuse – What are the best interests for the child?. Paper presented at Foredrag, Otago.

Gulbrandsen, W., Jensen, T. K., Mossige, S., Reichelt, S., & Tjersland, O. A. (1998 September). A model for interventions in families with child sexual abuse – control or conversation. Paper presented at The 12th International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect 1998.


Bengtson, M., & Jensen, T. K. (1986). Fra stoffmisbruk til behandling. En systematisering av Uteseksjonens formidlingsarbeid og presentasjon av en supplerende forståelsesramme. (Hovedfagsoppgave, Master’s thesis).

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