Bondjers, Kristina

Bondjers, Kristina

Researcher II
Unit: Section for Trauma, catastrophes and forced migration - children and youths
Telephone: 412 76 078


Scientific articles and chapters

Bondjers, K., Lingaas, I., Lingaas, I., Stensland, S., Atar, D., Zwart, J. A. H., Wøien, H., & Dyb, G. A. (2023). “I’ve kept going” – a multisite repeated cross-sectional study of healthcare workers’ pride in personal performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-023-09246-5

Kazlauskas, E., Gelezelyte, O., Kvedaraite, M., Ajdukovic, D., Johannesson, K. B., Böttche, M., Bondjers, K., Dragan, M., Figueiredo-Braga, M., Grajewski, P., Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous, X., Javakhishvili, J. D., Lioupi, C., Lueger-Schuster, B., Mouthaan, J., Bagaric, I. R., Sales, L., Schäfer, I., Soydas, S., Tsiskarishvili, L., Zrnic Novakovic, I., & Lotzin, A. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) in 9230 adults across seven European countries: Findings from the ESTSS ADJUST study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 335, 18-23. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2023.05.007

Eklund, R., Bondjers, K., Hensler, I., Bragesjö, M., Johannesson, K. B., Arnberg, F. K., & Sveen, J. (2022). Daily uplifts during the COVID-19 pandemic: what is considered helpful in everyday life. BMC Public Health, 22(1). doi:10.1186/s12889-022-12506-4

Lotzin, A., Krause, L., Acquarini, E., Ajdukovic, D., Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous, X., Ardino, V., Bondjers, K., Böttche, M., Dragan, M., Figueiredo-Braga, M., Gelezelyte, O., Grajewski, P., Javakhishvili, J. D., Kazlauskas, E., Lenferink, L., Lioupi, C., Lueger-Schuster, B., Mooren, T., Sales, L., Stevanovic, A., Sveen, J., Tsiskarishvili, L., Zrnic Novakovic, I., & Schäfer, I. (2022). Risk and protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic–findings from a pan-European study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2). doi:10.1080/20008066.2022.2138099

Other publications

Bondjers, K. (2022 June). Stressreaksjoner og helseplager hos sykehuspersonell under Covid-19 pandemien. Foredrag på Trygge medarbeidere – trygge pasienter! Hvor HMS, arbeidsmiljø og pasientsikkerhet ses i sammenheng, Oslo.

Bondjers, K. (2022 March). Stressreaksjoner og helseplager hos sykehuspersonell under Covid-19 pandemien. Foredrag på Regional koordineringsgruppe fror psykososial ivaretakelse av egne ansatte.

Bondjers, K. (2022 May). Stressreaksjoner og helseplager hos sykehuspersonell under Covid-19 pandemien. Foredrag på Ukemøte, Oslo.

Bondjers, K. (2022 May). Stressreaksjoner og helseplager hos sykehuspersonell under Covid-19 pandemien. Foredrag på Verneombudsutvikling, Hamar.

Wøien, H., Rosseland, L. A., Bondjers, K., Lingaas, I., Dyb, G. A., Zwart, J. A. H., & Stensland, S. (2022 June). Stress reactions and health problems in hospital personel during the Covid-19 pandemic; a longitudinal, multicenter study. Paper presented at Monitoring life, Oslo.

Stensland, S., Bondjers, K., Zwart, J. A. H., Rosseland, L. A., Wøien, H., Wøien, H., Atar, D., Matre, D., Muller, A. E., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Lingaas, I., & Dyb, G. A. (2021 June). Did hospital personnel receive adequate help and support to reduce work-related stress during the Covid-19 pandemic? The Norwegian Study of Hospital Personnel. Paper presented at Trauma and mental health during the Global Pandemic.

Bondjers, K., Stensland, S., Zwart, J. A. H., Rosseland, L. A., Wøien, H., Wøien, H., Atar, D., Matre, D., Muller, A. E., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Lingaas, I., & Dyb, G. A. (2021 June). Psychological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers. Paper presented at The Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (SSAI) webinar 2021: The COVID-19 pandemic: How do we cope, and how do we move forward?, Online.

Bondjers, K., Stensland, S., Zwart, J. A. H., Rosseland, L. A., Wøien, H., Wøien, H., Atar, D., Matre, D., Muller, A. E., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Lingaas, I., & Dyb, G. A. (2021 November). Hvordan gikk det? Støtte og stolthet gjennom pandemien – rapport fra en longitudinell studie av 2000 sykehuspersonell. Foredrag på Høstmøte for Akutt- og mottaksmedisin, Trondheim.

Bondjers, K., Stensland, S., Zwart, J. A. H., Rosseland, L. A., Wøien, H., Wøien, H., Atar, D., Matre, D., Muller, A. E., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Lingaas, I., & Dyb, G. A. (2021 October). Hvordan gikk det? Støtte og stolthet gjennom pandemien – rapport fra en longitudinell studie av 2000 sykehuspersonell. Foredrag på Verdens dagen for psykisk helse, Trondheim.

Bondjers, K., Lingaas, I., Stensland, S., Wøien, H., Wøien, H., Muller, A. E., Atar, D., . . . Dyb, G. A. et al. (2021 June). Is it all bad? – sense of accomplishment among health-care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Paper presented at Trauma and mental health during the Global Pandemic.