Topic: Disasters, terror and stress management

Stress responses and health complaints in hospital personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Covid-19-pandemic is putting a heavy toll on alreadyhighly pressured healthcare systems worldwide. In response to the crisis,there is an urgent need to identify measures to adequately support criticalpersonnel`s efforts and safeguard their physical and psychological healthand well-being.

2020 This project is ongoing 2025

Project Manager

  • Stensland, Synne Øien

    Stensland, Synne Øien

    Head of Section / Senior Researcher

    View profile

Project Members

The overall project objectives of this study is to map and monitor exposure to trauma, stress,emerging psychological and somatic reactions among health workers in hospital wards and intensivecare units over time with the aim to identify measures that must be addressed to safeguard the wellbeing of healthcare personnel
The study recruits health care personnel involved in treatment of hospitalizedpatients infected of Covid-19 in different hospital units in four regionaluniversity hospital in Norway. Participants report on Covid-19 work strainand critical incidents at work, individual and work place related factors,work schedules, levels of psychological distress and health complaintsincluding headache, musculoskeletal pain, sleep problems and burn-out.