Topic: Forced migration and refugee health

Educational and psychosocial transitions encountered by young refugees upon resettlement in Norway (TURIN)

Transitions Upon Resettlement In Norway (TURIN) Young refugees – whether they come alone or with their families – face a number of challenges when they resettle in Norway. The resettlement phase involves several transition processes entailing critical changes for refugee youth. Some fundamental transitional processes that are crucial for successful resettlement and integration are the development from childhood to adulthood, the sociocultural adaptation to life in a new society and the process of mental recovery and restoration of meaning after traumatic pre-migration experiences.

2015 This project has been completed 2020

Project Manager

Project Members

Main objective

The TURIN project is part of a Nordic research project «Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) – Health and Socio-Economic inequities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies». The CAGE project, which is funded by NordForsk, is carried out by leading research groups in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

The developmental and psychosocial transitions that young refugees have to deal with upon resettlement may not only bring about mental growth, psychosocial adaptation and inclusion but may also lead to increased vulnerability, maladjustment and marginalisation. Schools play a central role during resettlement. Education strengthens young refugees’ opportunities to cope with their new life situation well as being able to become independent and active participants in Norwegian society.

The TURIN study’s primary objective is to get new and better insight into what may promote or inhibit educational and psychosocial transitions among young refugees in the resettlement and integration phase.

Subsidiary objectives

• To gain more knowledge about educational and psychosocial challenges young refugees face upon resettlement, and what these mean for their functioning in everyday life in general and in school in particular
• To get a better understanding of young refugees’ own experiences, needs and desires regarding educational and psychosocial support in school and beyond
• To examine the role of schools, family, and other care arrangements in promoting young refugees’ development,  Learning, and psychosocial wellbeing
• To gain better insight into national and local resettlement policies and municipal practices concerning educational and psychosocial follow-up of young refugees being resettled in Norway


The study is carried out in association with secondary schools in four Norwegian resettlement municipalities. Data collection includes fieldwork as well as focus groups and individual interviews with young refugees and significant adults, such as caregivers, school staff and professionals involved in health and care provisions. Furthermore, there will be conducted case studies of local policies and practices regarding the resettlement of young refugees, as well as studies of key national policy documents.

The TURIN study is carried out in collaboration between researchers from the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). Participating researchers: Lutine de Wal Pastoor, Study Coordinator (NKVTS), Ketil Eide (USN), Brit Lynnebakke (NKVTS) and Irmelin Kjelaas (USN/NTNU).

For more information about TURIN, please contact Lutine de Wal Pastoor:

Further information

The participating research institutions in the Nordic CAGE project are:

• Denmark: Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health (MESU), Copenhagen University
• Finland: Institute of Migration, Turku
• Norway: Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS), and University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
• Sweden: Centre for Health Equity Studies, CHESS (Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet), and   Gothenburg University
The CAGE project aims to produce new knowledge about the mechanisms that underlie socio-economic and health inequities in refugee populations in the Nordic countries compared with the majority population. By analysing and comparing Nordic health reception, welfare, and education policies relevant to young refugees, CAGE aims to contribute with scientific knowledge to policy initiatives and measures that can level out the socioeconomic differences in refugee health, welfare, education and labour participation.

For more information about CAGE: 


Lynnebakke, B., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2020). “It’s very hard, but I’ll manage.” Educational aspirations and educational resilience among recently resettled young refugees in Norwegian upper secondary schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. doi:10.1080/17482631.2020.1785694

Lynnebakke, B., Pastoor, L. d. W., & Eide, K. (2020). Young refugees’ pathways in(to) education. Teacher and student voices: challenges, opportunities and dilemmas.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2020). Perspectives on the education of young refugees upon resettlement in Norway. In S. S. Jervelund, A. Krasnik & A. K. R. de Lasson (Eds.) Coming of Age in Exile – Health and Socio-Economic inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies (pp. 30-37). .

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016). Rethinking refugee education: Principles, policies and practice from a European perspective. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.) Annual review of comparative and international education 2016 (pp. 107-116). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/S1479-367920160000030009