Pastoor, Lutine de Wal

Pastoor, Lutine de Wal

Retired Research professor / PhD. Educational Anthropology
Telephone: 452 99 990

Areas of Expertise

– refugee children and youth
– unaccompanied refugee minors
– refugee education
– the school’s psychosocial role
– refugee competent schools
– classroom research, minority students and (language) learning
– child research, childhood and play, after-school care facilities
– cultural psychology


Scientific articles and chapters

Lynnebakke, B., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2020). “It’s very hard, but I’ll manage.” Educational aspirations and educational resilience among recently resettled young refugees in Norwegian upper secondary schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. doi:10.1080/17482631.2020.1785694

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2020). Perspectives on the education of young refugees upon resettlement in Norway. In S. S. Jervelund, A. Krasnik & A. K. R. de Lasson (Eds.) Coming of Age in Exile – Health and Socio-Economic inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies (pp. 30-37). .

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2020). Skolen – Et sted å lære og et sted å være. In K. Eide (Red.) Barn på flukt, 2. utg. Psykososialt arbeid med enslige mindreårige flyktninger (pp. 208-231). Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018). Reconceptualising refugee education: Exploring the diverse learning contexts of unaccompanied young refugees upon resettlement. In M. Catarci, M. P. Gomes & S. Siqueira (Eds.) Refugees, Interculturalism and Education (pp. 37-58). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429399466-4

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2017). Reconceptualising refugee education: exploring the diverse learning contexts of unaccompanied young refugees upon resettlement. Intercultural Education, 28(2), 143-164. doi:10.1080/14675986.2017.1295572

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016). Enslige unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer: behovet for en flyktningkompetent skole[ The psychosocial challenges faced by unaccompanied young refugees: the need for a refugee-competent school.] Norwegian only. In C. Øverlien, M. I. Hauge & J. H. Schultz (Red.) Barn, vold og traumer. Møter med unge i utsatte livssituasjoner. (pp. 200-219). Universitetsforlaget.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016). Rethinking refugee education: Principles, policies and practice from a European perspective. In A. W. Wiseman (Ed.) Annual review of comparative and international education 2016 (pp. 107-116). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/S1479-367920160000030009

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2015). The mediational role of schools in supporting psychosocial transitions among unaccompanied young refugees upon resettlement in Norway. International Journal of Educational Development, 41, 245-254. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2014.10.009

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2015). Unaccompanied young refugees – from uprooting to resettlement in Norway: The crucial role of schools in enhancing well-being, adaptation and integration.. Jeunes et mineurs en mobilité, 1(1), 21-34. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2014.10.009

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013). Delaktighet och utanförskap[ Participation and exclusion] Sweedish only. In M. Bak & K. von Brömssen (Red.) Barndom och migration (pp. 305-331). Boréa Bokförlag.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013). The decisive role of school in the lives of unaccompanied refugee minors in Norway. Siirtolaisuus-Migration, 40, 32-40.

Aadnanes, M., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013). Blir enslige mindreårige flyktninger diskriminert? En drøfting av deres rettigheter til omsorg etter bosetting[ Are unaccompanied refugee minors discriminated against? A discussion of their rights to care upon resettlement.] Norwegian only. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern, 90(1), 42-51.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2012). Skolen – et sted å lære og et sted å være. In K. Eide (Red.) Barn på flukt: Psykososialt arbeid med enslige mindreårige flyktninger (pp. 219-240). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Ryen, E., Wold, A. H., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2009). “Det er egen tolkning, ikke direkte regler.” Minoritetsspråklige elevers morsmålsopplæring og bruk av morsmål. In R. E. Hvistendahl (Red.) Flerspråklighet i skolen (pp. 139-166). Universitetsforlaget.

Pastoor, L. d. W., & Säljö, R. (2008). Barns hverdagserfaringer i pedagogisk praksis. Meningsdanning, forståelse og misforståelse i det multietniske klasserommet. In A. Gustavsson, S. O. Lauritzen & P. J. Ôdman (Red.) Främlingskap och tolkning – en vänbok til Charles Westin (pp. 112-131). Stockholms universitets förlag.

Bezemer, J., Wold, A. H., Pastoor, L. d. W., Kroon, S., & Ryen, E. (2005). Teaching and learning in multicultural contexts: a comparative analysis of language teaching and learning in a Norwegian and Dutch primary school classroom. Intercultural Education, 16(5), 453-467.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2005). Discourse and learning in a Norwegian multiethnic classroom. Developing shared understanding through classroom discourse. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 20(1), 13-27. doi:10.1007/BF03173208

Ryen, E., Wold, A. H., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2005). “Det er egen tolkning, ikke direkte regler.” Kasusstudier av minoritetsspråklige elevers morsmålsopplæring og bruk av morsmål ved tre grunnskoler. NOA – Norsk som andrespråk, 21(1-2), 39-66.

Books and dissertations

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2008). Learning discourse: Classroom learning in and through discourse. A case study of a Norwegian multiethnic classroom. Unipub forlag. (Dissertation).

Bezemer, J., Kroon, S., Pastoor, L. d. W., Ryen, E., & Wold, A. H. (2004). Language teaching and learning in a multicultural context. Case studies from elementary education in the Netherlands and Norway. Novus Forlag.


Lynnebakke, B., Pastoor, L. d. W., & Eide, K. (2020). Young refugees’ pathways in(to) education. Teacher and student voices: challenges, opportunities and dilemmas.

Pastoor, L. d. W., Eide, K., & Mekonen, L. (2010). Reception of asylum seeking and refugee children in the Nordic countries: the Norwegian report.

Other publications


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2019 April). Rethinking Refugee Education: Principles, Policies and Practice from a European Perspective – Keynote. Paper presented at Promoting Integration of Syrian Children into the Turkish Education System (PIKTES), Istanbul.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018 February). The education of refugee and migrant children and young people. An exploration of inclusive learning contexts in school and beyond – Keynote. Paper presented at Childhood and Youth(s) in Contemporary Education, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018 January). Migration and Education Context – Norway: Some facts and figures. Paper presented at Kick-off Meeting H2020 Project RefugeesWellSchool, Ghent.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018 January). Preventive school-based intervention – Norway: In-Service Teacher Training. Paper presented at Kick-off Meeting H2020 Project RefugeesWellSchool, Ghent.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018 November). Unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer: Hvordan påvirker det deres fungering og trivsel i skolen?. Foredrag på NKVTS Skoleseminar: Hvordan møte elever som har vært utsatt for traumatiske hendelser?, NKVTS, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018 September). An introduction to the RefugeesWellSchool intervention INSETT (In-Service Teacher Training). Paper presented at CESSMIR Conference: Needs and Care Practices for Refugees and Migrants, Ghent.

Lynnebakke, B., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2018 October). Self-efficacy, educational aspirations and motivation among refugee youth in the resettlement phase. Preliminary analysis, Transitions Upon Resettlement In Norway (TURIN). Paper presented at CAGE Scientific Advisory Board  Meeting, University of Copenhagen.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2017 April). Enslige mindreårige flyktningers utdannings- og skolesituasjon – Hva sier forskningen?. Foredrag på Nordisk toppmøte om enslige mindreårige og unge i Norden, Oslo Kongressenter, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2017 August). Reimagining refugee education – Exploring the diverse learning contexts of unaccompanied young refugees upon resettlement in Norway. Paper presented at 5th ISCAR congress Quebec, Quebec.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2017 January). Diversity and social cohesion in European classrooms: Rethinking refugee education. Paper presented at Third International Mayors’ Conference NOW 2017, Vienna.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2017 May). Unaccompanied refugee children in the Nordic countries. Paper presented at Panel Discussion Nordic Council of Ministers, Helsinki.

Kjelaas, I., Solvor Mjønes, L., Jensen, T. K., Eide, K., Lønning, M. N., Lønning, M. N., Lidén, H., Sveaass, N., Oppedal, B., Omland, G. B., Pastoor, L. d. W., Guribye, E., Dyregrov, A., & Flatland, T. (2017). Mot bedre viten om barns beste. www.nrk.no/ytring.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016 April). Enslige unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer: behovet for en flyktningkompetent skole. Foredrag på NKVTS Flyktningseminar: Skolens psykososiale rolle, NKVTS, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016 March). Enslige unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer i bosettingsfasen: Behovet for en flyktningkompetent skole. Foredrag på VOX-Fagsamling om tilrettelegging av norskopplæringen for personer med traumer, Hotel Bristol Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016 May). Skolens psykososiale rolle i møte med enslige mindreårige flyktninger: behovet for en flyktningkompetent skole. Foredrag på Barn på flukt – Barn og Unge Kongressen 2016, Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bergen.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016 November). En god start – En flyktningkompetent skole og barnehage. Foredrag på Sjumilsstegskonferansen, Scandic Ishavshotell Tromsø.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016 October). A qualitative study of educational and psychological transitions encountered by young refugees upon resettlement in Norway (TURIN). Paper presented at CAGE Research Seminar 2016, University of Copenhagen.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2016 October). Enslige unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer i bosettingsfasen. Hva kan skolen bidra med og hvordan kan bofellesskapet ivareta enslige mindreåriges behov og interesser?. Foredrag på IMDi Kompetanseløft – Bosetting av enslige mindreårige, Røde Kors Konferansesenter Oslo.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2015 March). The reception and resettlement of unaccompanied refugee minors in Norway – With a particular focus on their schooling situation. Paper presented at DALMAR Conferentie: Zelfstandige toekomst voor alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen, Den Haag.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2015 October). Educational and psychosocial transitions encountered by young refugees upon resettlement in Norway. Paper presented at Kick-Off Seminar CAGE-Project, Comwell Borupgaard Copenhagen.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2014 August). Enslige mindreårige flyktninger i bosettings- og integreringsfasen – med fokus på utdanning og skole. Foredrag på Voksenopplæring Asker Kommune: Lærernes Fagdag, Asker.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2014 November). Enslige unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer i bosettingsfasen. Hva kan skolen bidra med og hvordan kan verger ivareta enslige mindreåriges behov og interesser?. Foredrag på Nasjonalt seminar for representanter og verger for enslige mindreårige flyktninger, Clarion Hotel Gardermoen.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2014 November). Enslige unge flyktningers psykososiale utfordringer i bosettingsfasen. Hva kan skolen bidra med?. Foredrag på NKVTS 10 års Jubileum: Flyktningseminar, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2014 November). Utdannings- og skolesituasjonen for enslige mindreårige flyktninger. Foredrag på Integreringskonferanse IMDi Øst, Gjøvik.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2014 October). Unaccompanied minors in Norway and the other Nordic countries: issues of policy, practice and research. Paper presented at Mineurs en Migration : Contextes d’origine, questions juridiques et bonnes pratiques d’accueil, Universite´ de Poitiers.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2014 September). The mediation of meaning in schooling young unaccompanied refugees. Paper presented at ISCAR Congress, Sydney.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013 September). Skolens utfordringer og muligheter i møte med enslige mindreårige flyktninger. Foredrag på Understanding terror and violence in the lives of children and adolescents, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013 September). The mediational role of schools in supporting psychosocial transitions in young unaccompanied refugees resettling in Norway. Paper presented at Workshop – Beyond education: what role can schools play in the support and protection of children in extreme settings?, London.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2013 September). Unaccompanied refugee youth resettling in Norway: The challenges upon entering the Norwegian education system. Paper presented at International Metropolis Conference, Tampere.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2012 April). Skolens betydning for unge asylsøkere og flyktninger: et sted å lære og et sted å være. Foredrag på NAFO-seminar: Opplæring av unge asylsøkere, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2012 August). The after-school program as a window into conceptualization of Norwegian childhood. Paper presented at NMR-Conference: Immigrants and Civil Society, University of Turku.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2012 February). School as a central arena for unaccompanied refugee minors: a place to learn and a place to be. Paper presented at Nordic network for research cooperation on unaccompanied refugee minors (NordURM), Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2012 October). Skole- og utdanningstilbud til asylsøker- og flyktningbarn: Rettigheter, praksis og skolens betydning. Foredrag på JUS-seminar i utdanningsrett, Farris Bad, Larvik.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2011 May). FUS-prosjektet: Skolens betydning for enslige mindreårige flyktninger i bosettingsfasen. Foredrag på Konferanse om enslige mindreårige flyktninger, Oslo Kongressenter.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2011 November). Nordic Network for Research Cooperation on Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (NordURM). Paper presented at NordForsk’s Kick-off Seminar for Researcher Networks, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2011 September). A contextual approach to studying refugee schooling: Exploring the learning contexts of unaccompanied refugee youth resettling in Norway. Paper presented at ISCAR CONGRESS 2011, Roma.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2010 February). Enslige mindreårige asylsøkere og flyktninger: Hva vet vi, hvor er vi? Pågående prosjekter ved NKVTS. Foredrag på NKVTS – RVTS: Erfaringsutveksling og samarbeid, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2010 January). Reception conditions for asylum seeking and refugee children in Norway. Paper presented at Nordic Network Meeting Helsinki, University of Helsinki.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2010 October). Norske enslige mindreårige flyktninger i bosettings- og integreringsfasen: Med fokus på utdannings- og skolesituasjonen. Foredrag på Seminarium Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och ungdom, Stockholm.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2009 November). Unaccompanied minors in the settlement and integration phase – Focusing on education, accommodation and care provisions. Paper presented at IMER-symposium: Childhood and Migration, University of Stockholm.


Pastoor, L. d. W., & Säljö, R. (2007 August). Encountering pupil diversity in the multiethnic classroom- Sociocultural and dialogic perspectives on discourses of teaching and learning. Paper presented at EARLI 2007: Developing potentials for learning, Budapest.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2006 November). Språk og kultur i undervisning av flerspråklige klasser. Foredrag på Kommunikation i flerspråkiga klassrum i Norden, Kista (ved Stockholm).


Bezemer, J., Pastoor, L. d. W., & Wold, A. H. (2004 September). Teaching and learning in multilingual contexts. A comparative analysis of language learning and teaching in a Norwegian and Duch primary school classroom. Paper presented at Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference, Oxford.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2003 August). Discourse and learning in a Norwegian multicultural classroom. Paper presented at European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2002 August). Klasseromssamtaler og minoritetselevers andrespråkslæring. Foredrag på Sommerseminar på Vahl Skole, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2002 June). Minority children’s second language learning in a multicultural context: A sociocultural approach. Paper presented at Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Amsterdam.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2002 May). L97, klasseromssamtaler og undervisning av norsk som andre språk. Foredrag på Current Issues in Classroom Research: Practices, Praises and Perspectives, Oslo.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (2001 November). En sosiokulturell tilnærming til læring av norsk som andrespråk. Foredrag på Torshov Seminar 2001, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (2001 November). Mangfold og samspill i et flerkulturelt skolemiljø. Foredrag på Torshov Seminar 2001, Oslo.


Bezemer, J., & Pastoor, L. d. W. (2000 September). Dealing with multilingualism in primary schools. A comparative ethnographic study of language teaching and learning in a multicultural context in Norway and the Netherlands. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Edinburgh.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (1999 May). Barn og tospråklighet. Foredrag på UiO Fagdag for PP-tjenesten, Oslo.

Pastoor, L. d. W. (1999 November). Kommunikasjon og språklæring i en flerkulturell tredje klasse i grunnskolen i Oslo. Foredrag på Seminarrekke: Kultur- og språkkontakt, Universitetet i Oslo.


Pastoor, L. d. W. (1998). “De leker så merkelig”: Mangfold og samspill i et flerkulturelt skolemiljø. Universitetet i Oslo. (Hovedfagsoppgave, Master’s thesis).