Topic: Implementation and Treatment

Early Support after Exposure to Trauma (EASE)

Traumatic experiences can cause immense suffering and psychological distress, but no evidence-based preventive interventions are readily available to victims in the aftermath of crises and disasters.

2023 This project is ongoing 2027

Project Manager

Project Members

In EASE, the Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies is collaborating with governmental agencies, municipalities, user groups, and national and international research partners, with the shared goal of substantially improving access to evidence-based psychosocial services for victims of trauma. With a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial, we aim to show that an innovative internet-delivered condensed treatment can be a preventive solution that is clinically efficient, cost-effective, and implementable at scale in Norwegian municipalities 

The primary objective of EASE is to determine the effectiveness, cost-benefits, and implementability of Condensed Internet-delivered Prolonged Exposure (CIPE), a preventive psychological intervention for victims after crises and disasters delivered in municipal crisis services. 

The secondary objective is to establish and maintain a strong interdisciplinary and cross-sectional collaboration of organizations involved in psychosocial response to crises and disasters in Norway, including user groups, municipalities, and representatives from county governors, health authorities, and The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS).  

The overall methodological approach of EASE is a hybrid type I effectiveness-implementation trial. This innovative design is developed to significantly shorten the translational pipeline from research to practice. It combines a traditional randomized effectiveness trial, which enables strong causal interferences about the effect, with the simultaneous investigation and improvement of the implementability of the intervention. In EASE, this design is extended with analyses of cost-effectiveness and the investigation of how health policy impact implementation of CIPE.