Topic: Forced migration and refugee health

Epidemiology: Survey of psychological health in asylum seekers in reception centres

2005 This project has been completed 2011

Project Members

  • Thoresen, Siri
  • Skogøy, Elin
  • Jakobsen, Marianne
  • Johansen, Lars Erik Eide
  • Sveaass, Nora

Main objective

Testing of instruments for surveying psychological health in newly arrived asylum seekers.


Validation study.


Jakobsen, M., Sveaass, N., Johansen, L. E., & Skogøy, E. (2007). Psykisk helse i mottak: Utprøving av instrumenter for kartlegging av psykisk helse hos nyankomne asylsøkere [Mental health in reception centers: Exploring psychometric instruments for mental health assessment in newly arrived asylum seekers.] Norwegian only. OSLO: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress.