Strategies among non-help seeking women and men subjected to physical violence or threats of such from their partner.
Project Manager
Main objective
For many, partner abuse is draped in silence. We know that the majority of those who either have been physically abused or threatened to be physically abused by their partner never contact public assistance services or NGO’s for assistance. We would like to interview these individuals; women and men who have not requested assistance after being subjected to such abuse. The main objective is to gain insight as to how people experience and deal with their partner physically abusing them and how this affects their daily life.
Subsidiary objectives
This project may contribute to a better understanding of the circumstances experienced by individuals subjected to violence in close relationships and to the expansion of knowledge and understanding on how people deal with difficult life situations across gender, social and cultural differences. This project may also generate new knowledge for how support services are designed for those who choose to seek out help.
The project will be conducted as a two-part study, one study that is based on interviews with women and another where men are interviewed. Focus groups may also be used. Interviews will be recorded and later be transcribed and analyzed. Narratives of being physically abused or the threat of being abused within close relationships may also contribute to our understanding as to why so few report these incidents to the police. The findings will be presented in published reports and articles.
Saur, R., & Grøvdal, Y. (2019). Beskyttelse og verdighet: Handlemåter hos kvinner som ikke kontaktet hjelpeapparatet mens de levde med vold fra mannlig partner [Protection and dignity: How women who did not contacted the health and social services acted while living with intimate partner violence] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 6/2019).