The Tsunami programme Part 5: National support group in the aftermath of the tidal wave disaster
Project Manager
Project Members
- Storholt, Toril
- Meyer, Frank
Main objective
The purpose of the investigation is to gain an understanding of the usefulness the support group serves for persons involved and the authorities.
The National Support Group for Next-of-Kin, Survivors and Involved Persons in the Aftermath of the 2004 Tidal Disaster was founded as an organization on 24 January 2005. The purpose of the support group is to attend to and promote the interests of next-of-kin, survivors and involved persons in connection with the tidal wave disaster.
Topic areas for the study are the following:
· Organization and operation of the support group
This will entail questions concerning the very start-up, who took the initiative, the field of activity of the various participants in the start-up process, the conditions and premises that were laid as the basis for organization and structure, financial and other framework conditions, etc. It will also entail questions concerning the further development and design of the organization, the type of governance and contact with members, the relationship with and support from public authorities, non-governmental organizations, other similar groups, professional agencies and other participants. In addition, it will also entail questions concerning internal and external power structures and processes.
· Tasks and functions
This will include a description of the support group’s activity, in relation to both the members and to various supervisory organs, the media and other external agents. It will also entail a description of the decision-making processes in the organization, and of the basis for action in the form of interests, competence and extrinsic influences. A description of goals, dilemmas and options in terms of the various function areas will be important.
· Impacts and consequences for
a. The members
b. Involved persons who are not members
c. Help measures (professional in nature)
d. The authorities
Collaborating partners:
National support group in the aftermath of the tidal wave disaster
Meyer, F., Storholt, T., & Hjemdal, O. K. (2008). Nasjonal støttegruppe for pårørende, overlevende og berørte etter flodbølgekatastrofen 2004. En studie av organisering og virksomhet [National support group for survivors, relatives and others affected by the 2004 tsunami. A study of organization and function.] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 1/2008).