Main objective
The study has the following objectives
- To gain increased knowledge of existing education, accommodation and care arrangements for unaccompanied refugee youth in a variety of municipalities involved in resettlement
- To get a better understanding of young unaccompanied refugees’ own experiences, needs and desires regarding education, housing and care when resettling
- To disclose initiatives and interventions that may promote or inhibit refugee youth’ opportunities to complete secondary education
- To increase the involved professionals’ awareness of young unaccompanied refugees’ diverse and complex – educational as well as psychosocial – needs
Data will be collected by various methods
- Case studies of existing education, accommodation and care facilities for unaccompanied refugee youth in three different municipalities
- Qualitative, semi-structured interviews with a sample (40) of young unaccompanied refugees
- Interviews with professionals involved in the educational, residential and care facilities available to young refugees
- Document studies, i.e., content analysis of national and municipal documents concerning regulations, initiatives and provisions regarding unaccompanied refugees
Further information
The main project : 2010-2017 (Pilot project 2009)
The FUS study will be conducted over a seven-year period. In order to eleborate on the study’s research issues and to test the data collection methods, a pilot study was carried out during Autumn 2009. Three municipalities of varying sizes, and with different experiences concerning resettlement of unacompanied refugees, participate in the main project.
Results from the study will be published as articles in national and international scientific journals, book chapters, master’s theses and a doctoral dissertation.
Through the support of Save the Children Norway, the project has been granted Extra funds from the Norwegian Foundation for Health and Rehabilitation for a doctoral research fellowship from June 2010. Furthermore, the project has received financial support from The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi).