Topic: Violence and abuse

Assessment of assistance available to traumatized victims of violence, abuse, accidents, disasters, refugees and victims of torture.

Hjemdal, O. K. (2006). Kartlegging av tilbudet til traumatiserte ofre for vold overgrep. ulykker og katastrofer, flyktninger og torturofre [Assessment of assistance available to traumatized victims of violence, abuse, accidents, disasters, refugees and victims of torture. ] Norwegian only.

The assessment registered where specialized clinical treatment was offered, the need of- and actual use of translators and in what way the quality of the translating service was evaluated by the services that employed them.

With the assessment serving as the foundation, an evaluation of the following was completed:

  • Whether it is appropriate that in each regional district one psychiatric center upheld the status of being an expert center in the treatment of traumatized patients (with specific counselling from the Regional Resource Centers on Violence, Traumatic Stress and Suicide Prevention, RVTS).
  • How to ensure comprehensive treatment, one that includes both somatic and psychiatric treatment of victims of torture.
  • Recommendations on the use of translating services within mental health institutions.

The project was conducted in collaboration with the regional health authorities and the Regional Resource Centers on Violence, Traumatic Stress and Suicide Prevention (RVTS).
The participants involved in the project group include:

Inger Elise Birkeland, Marianne Jacobsen, Nora Sveaass, Tore Indregard and Ole Kristian Hjemdal from NKVTS
Anne Aasen and Roar Fosse from Norway Regional Health Authority East
Birgit Lie Norway Regional Health Authority South
Dag Øystein Nordanger from Norway Regional Health Authority West
Håkon Stenmark from Norway Regional Health Authority Central
Aud Karin Bjørn from Norway Regional Health Authority North