Female genital cutting/mutilation- An intervention: Experiences from «Open dialogue and external pelvic examinations»
Lien, I. L., Schultz, J. H., & Borgen, G. (2012). Intervensjon mot kjønnslemlestelse: Erfaringer fra tilbudet "Samtaler og frivillige underlivsundersøkelser" [Female genital cutting/mutilation- An intervention: Experiences from «Open dialogue and external pelvic examinations»] Norwegian only. (Rapport 2/2012).
Open dialogue and external pelvic examinations were offered to girls, that come from countries where female genital cutting/mutilation is practiced, in selected municipalities and city districts during the fall of 2009. This offer was made available nationwide in 2010/2011. The experiences of the different municipalities are presented in this report. The city district’s and municipality’s nurses, doctors and those affected have provided the project’s researchers insight and understanding on how this service functioned locally. To what extent the service is utilized? Local experiences of how the service functioned? What consequences this service has for society? What are the benefits of this service? Also presented is background information for the development of the open dialogue and examinations service.