Aid and assistance for people subject to violence in Norway: Insuffiencies in services and needs not met?
The aim of this study has been twofold. We wanted to find out how people subject to violence in Norway perceive the assistance society offers in the aftermath of the violence, and whether or not their needs are met. The second aim, was to assess the Swedish Crime Victim Compensastion and Support Authority as a national model for victim care in Norway.
Project Manager
Main objective
To learn more about the help offered to victims of violence, and to discuss and propose ways of thinking about an integral approach to the needs of those victims.
1. Telephone interviews with employees in different services in three municipalities of different size, as well as with employees in a region of different municipalities that share an action plan for the work with people subject to violence.
2. Use of four different focus groups – two with employees from different services and two with people subject to different forms of violence – with the aim of discussing the participants’ experiences of the services given.
3. Interviews with employees of the Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority (BrOM) and with persons working in public services and NGO’s in Sweden, as well as studies of documents pertaining to BrOM and its activities.
Grøvdal, Y., Saur, R., & Skaalerud, A. R. (2014). En velvillig og oppmerksom tilhører: Mennesker som har vært utsatt for vold og deres møte med hjelpeapparatet og politiet [A compassionate and attentive listener: People exposed to violence and their encounter with the public assistance services and the police.] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 2/2014).