Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships (STIR). Connecting Online and Offline Contexts and Risks.
STIR – Safeguarding Teenage Intimate Relationships, is a European project in cooperation with universities and research institutions in five different countries, Norway, the UK, Italy, Cyprus and Bulgaria. In this study we would like to investigate the prevalence of physical, emotional violence as well as sexual abuse between young people in the ages of 14-17 who have or have had an intimate relationship, as well as the phenomenology of the violence. Of interest is both the violence that is conducted face to face, and on digital media.
Project Manager
Project Member
Main objective
The aim of the project is to generate knowledge about the phenomenon teenage intimate partner violence, its prevalence and how it is played out in young peoples lives. Of special interest is the young peoples thoughts on prevention and intervention.
Questionaire to 1000 young people, ages 14-18. Qualitative interviews with 20 young people, ages 14-18, who have experienced teenage intimate partner violence.
Barter, C., Stanley, N., Wood, M., Lanau, A., Aghtaie, N., Larkins, C., & Øverlien, C. (2017). Young people’s online and face-to-face experiences of interpersonal violence and abuse and their subjective impact across five european countries. Psychology of Violence, 7(7), 375-384. doi:10.1037/vio0000096
Hellevik, P. (2017). Digital Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse Among Youth: A Systematic Review of Associated Factors. In S. Holt, C. Øverlien & J. Devaney (Eds.) Responding to Domestic Violence – Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe (pp. 192-214). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Hellevik, P., & Øverlien, C. (2016). Teenage intimate partner violence: Factors associated with victimization among Norwegian youths. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 44(7), 702-708. doi:10.1177/1403494816657264
Stanley, N., Barter, C., Wood, M., Aghtaie, N., Larkins, C., Lanau, A., & Øverlien, C. (2016). Pornography, sexual coersion and abuse, and sexting in Young people’s intimate relationships: A European study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260516633204
Hellevik, P., Øverlien, C., Barter, C., Wood, M., Aghtaie, N., Larkins, C., & Stanley, N. (2015). Traversing the Generational Gap: Young People’s Views on Intervention and Prevention of Teenage Intimate Partner Violence. In N. Stanley & C. Humphreys (Eds.) Domestic Violence and Protecting Children: New Thinking and Approaches (pp. 34-48). .