Topic: Violence and abuse

Sexual and physical abuse of children and adolescents. A review: Revised 2011.

Borgen, G., Dyb, G., Hafstad, G. S., Jensen, T. K., Langballe, Å., Myhre, M., . . . Øverlien, C. et al. (2011). Seksuelle og fysiske overgrep mot barn og unge. Kunnskapsstatus. Revidert 2011 [Sexual and physical abuse of children and adolescents. A review: Revised 2011. ] Norwegian only.

Extensive literature has been reviewed within the different topics and each subject has an extensive reference list.

The topic of PTSD in children and adolescents, treatment and reliability in children’s’ statements are also discussed in more depth.

Revised chapters include “Youth who sexually abuse” and “Children who experience violence within the home.”

The Researchers