Topic: Disasters, terror and stress management

The terror attack on June 25th

The June 25th terror attack study aims to generate knowledge that can contribute to a better understanding of how negative consequences of a terrorist attack can be counteracted and reduced for those who are directly affected and for society in general.

2024 This project is ongoing 2025

Project Manager

  • Stensland, Synne Øien

    Stensland, Synne Øien

    Head of Section / Senior Researcher

    View profile

Project Members

The main objective of the project is to obtain knowledge about the challenges experienced by those affected by the terrorist attack on June 25th in relation to health, community response and civic participation. 

This is knowledge can contribute to strengthening future preparedness and response in connection with terrorist attacks and other disasters, within a broader societal security perspective. 

The research project will investigate issues within three main themes: 

  1. Health (physical and mental health and reactions after the incident). 
  2. Societal response (how affected people have been met by the health services, police, the judiciary, within their own social networks, and by other people).
  3. Participation in society (participation in education, working life and society, trust and security in the aftermath of the incident).