Violence and abuse
Therapist-reported knowledge, prevalence, and treatment of problematic and harmful sexual behavior among youth receiving services in Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinics
It is estimated that about one-third of all sexual assaults experienced by children and adolescents are committed by other children and adolescents.
Project Manager
Project Members
We have the following main aims:
- Investigate the therapists’ experiences and concerns about problematic and harmful sexual behavior among children and adolescents referred to child and adolescent mental health clinics.
- Investigate what methods, systems, and support therapists have access to when working with children with problematic and harmful sexual behavior.
- Explore the therapists experience of competency, support, and self-efficacy, and its relationship with burnout, and secondary traumatic stress.
We will use a cross-sectional design where data will be collected at one given time point in a pre-defined population including therapists and leaders working in Norwegian child and adolescent mental health clinics. In addition, qualitative interviews will be conducted by a sub-sample of therapists and leaders.
The study is part of this project.