Out of work. Life adversities and health behaviour in 15-year-olds as predictors of marginalisation from the labour market ten years later.
Out of work. Life adversities and health behaviour in 15-year-olds as predictors of marginalisation from the labour market ten years later.
The present study aims to investigate life conditions and school climate during the formative years of adolescence for subsequent marginalisation from work in a long-term perspective. The study will have a special focus on the role of mental health, violence and other life adversities and health/risk behaviour. In interplay with these individual factors, we hypothesize that push and pull-mechanisms at school may have long-term consequences for academic achievement and work ability.
A unique opportunity for a prospective investigation of early integration processes is offered by the existence of large youth health surveys combined with high-quality Norwegian registries. The study will link questionnaire data from 1999 – 2004 on 16000 15-year-olds in 400 schools to registry data, and follow each person’s work and education process up to the age of 25. Multilevel analyses will be used to identify how individual and school factors interact in the development of marginalisation.
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