Tema: Vold og overgrep

Visual impairment and depression: Age-specific prevalence, associations with vision loss, and relation to life satisfaction

Brunes, A., & Heir, T. (2020). Visual impairment and depression: Age-specific prevalence, associations with vision loss, and relation to life satisfaction. World Journal of Psychiatry (WJP), 10(6), 139-149. doi:10.5498/wjp.v10.i6.139

Depresjon er dobbelt så vanlig blant blinde og svaksynte som i befolkningen forøvrig..

Funnene i denne artikkelen henger tett sammen med artikkelen «Social interactions, experiences with adverse life events and depressive symptoms in individuals with visual impairment: A cross-sectional study». Les et felles sammendrag for de to artiklene.


  • Heir, Trond

    Heir, Trond

    Forsker I/Professor II ,UiO / dr. scient.

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