Topic: Violence and abuse

The KBT project- Review of treatment services available to; children and adolescents subjected to violence and sexual abuse, children and adolescents who are violent or commit sexual abusive acts and violent adults.

An overview of assistance available for violent adults, children and adolescents subjected to violence and sexual abuse and children and adolescents who are violent and sexually abuse.


2015 This project has been completed 2016

Project Members

Main objective

Primary aim: 
The primary aim of this project is to investigate the treatment services available to; children and adolescents that are subjected to violence and sexual abuse, young people who are violent and commit sexually defiant acts, and violent adults. Beneficial available psychological treatment, both for those who commit violent acts and for those subjected to them is important in the prevention of violence and sexual abuse, and in limiting the negative consequences of it. It is of utmost importance to review the level of quality of the different treatments already available, and to investigate if they provide the adequate coverage of the population so all geographical areas in Norway are covered.  

The project is based on a merger of two different action plans 1) action plan; The fight against violence in close relationships, number: 29 (2014-2017), Our center, reviewed the different aspects of the available treatment for violent adults, and 2) action plan; A good childhood lasts a lifetime, number 35 (2014-2017) where NKVTS reviewed and evaluated the treatment available to; children and adolescents who have been subjected to violence and sexual abuse, violent youths and young sexual offenders. 
Secondary objective: 
This project is comprised of two-parts; the first part being a web-based pilot study of the different treatment services available for the target groups within four different counties. The second part of the project is a national web-based survey where all the institutions in Norway offering treatment fill out an online questionnaire. 

The first part of the study is a pilot-study that reviews the information available online about the different available treatment services in the four counties selected. The data will be collected through an online search of relevant words concerning the treatments in question. The pilot study will not provide a comprehensive analysis as to how the treatment is throughout Norway

The second part of the project is a more thorough national gathering of information, where all relevant treatment services and psychotherapists with publicly funded individual practices in Norway receive a web-based questionnaire. The treatment facilities are contacted by phone before receiving the questionnaire. The results will provide an overview over the treatment services available for the target groups in Norway, and information of the quality of the treatment facilities as well as their geographic location.

The findings of this study will be published through three electronic reports; one on the pilot project, one regarding the issues raised in action plan number 35 (action plan on the fight against violence…) and one that covers the issues in action plan 29 (Action plan against violence…). The two last mentioned reports will also be published.


Askeland, I. R., Moen, L. H., Nilsen, L. G., Kruse, A. E., Hjemdal, O. K., & Holt, T. (2016). Behandlingstilbudet til voksne som utøver vold: En nasjonal kartleggingsundersøkelse. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 10/2016).

Holt, T., Nilsen, L. G., Moen, L. H., & Askeland, I. R. (2016). Behandlingstilbudet til barn som er utsatt for og som utøver vold og seksuelle overgrep: En nasjonal kartleggingsundersøkelse [Norwegian treatment services for children exposed to violence or sexual abuse, children using violence and children with harmful sexual behavior] Norwegian only. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress. (Rapport 6/2016).

Moen, L. H., Askeland, I. R., & Holt, T. (2016). Kartlegging av behandlingstilbudet til: Barn som er utsatt for eller som utøver vold og seksuelle overgrep og voksne som utøver vold. En pilotstudie om behandlingstilbudet i fire norske fylker.