This study has two aims. The first is to understand more of what may be typical healthtrajectories after mass trauma for children (age 6 and above) and adults and what predictsthese trajectories (Study 1). The second is to understand what may be effective earlyinterventions to prevent long-term health and psychosocial problems for youth (age 6-19) (Study 2).
By building knowledge related to trajectories after mass trauma and early interventions, this study will contribute with novel knowledge that will make the health system more prepared to reoll out evidence-supported early interventions following mass traumas.
Study 1: Participants will be followed in a longitudinal design from the first assessmentapproximately 8 weeks after the landslide and every four weeks over a one year period.
Study 2: Participants and their parent will receive treatment based on Trauma-Focused Cognitiv Beahvioural Therapy (TF-CBT). Data will be collected to investigate the effect of the intervention. To versions of TF-CBT will be compared in randomized design, a verision focused on skills-training and version focused on narrative exposure.