
Harpviken, Anna

Enhet: Seksjon for implementering og behandlingsforskning
Telefon: +4790694847


  • TF-CBT
  • Implementering
  • Barn og ungdom
  • Utvikling og pilottesting av app til PTSD-behandling
  • Prosjektkoordinering


Vitenskapelige artikler og bokkapitler

Skar, A. M. S., Jensen, T. K., & Harpviken, A. N. (2021). Who Reports What? A Comparison of Child and Caregivers´ Reports of Child Trauma Exposure and Associations to Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Functional Impairment in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinics. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. doi:10.1007/s10802-021-00788-y Sammendrag

Harpviken, A. N., (2021). Psychological vulnerabilities and extremism among Norwegian youth: A structural equation model using a large-n sample. . Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. doi:

Harpviken, A. (2019). Psychological Vulnerabilities and Extremism Among Western Youth: A Literature Review. Adolescent Research Review. doi:10.1007/s40894-019-00108-y

Andre publikasjoner

Harpviken, A. N., (2022). Finding The Story: Expanding The Tale - how understanding individual trauma experiences can help us to understand journeys into and out of extremism.. Crest Security Review.
