
Andersen, Arnfinn Jomar

Head of Section / Senior Researcher
Telephone: +4747031669

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Areas of Expertise

  • forced migration and refugee health
  • radicalization and extremism
  • friendship, social networks, family forms
  • gender, sexuality, normality
  • military veterans and veteran families

Andersen has his PhD (doctor of politics) in sociology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) from 2003. He has held postdoc positions at the University of Oslo’s Center for Gender Research, and has been visiting scholar at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and New York University.

Andersen is head of research at the Division for Forced Migration and Refugee Health at NKVTS, and was NKVTS’s head of research for the entire center from 2010 to 19. Andersen was central to setting up the REFUGE project and is spearheading NKVTS’s push for a new research program on forced migration and refugee health. He has headed and had central roles in a range of research programmes and projects, including team leader for the Horizon 2020 funded RefugeesWellSchool.

As former ministry employee and with wide experience from coordination with the ministries and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Andersen is well versed in bridging research and policy. He has worked in public administration and in research in subject areas such as children, family, equality and welfare. He has worked at the Ministry of Children and Equality (1988-94) and in the Research Council of Norway where he had program responsibilities in the areas of child, family and welfare research (1994-99 and 2003-05). Andersen has also been head of department at the Equality and Discrimination Ombudsman (2006-07).

In addition, Andersen has been trusted with a range of national and international memberships and tasks, including: appointed member of the Norwegian government’s contact committee for equality; national expert to the European Commission’s FP6 program committee for “Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society”; and, evaluator of research applications to the European Commission.


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Academic Articles

Kankaanpää, R., Vänskä, M., Opaas, M., Spaas, C., Derluyn, I., Jervelund, S. S., Skovdal, M., Durbeej, N., Osman, F., De Haene, L., de Smet, S., Andersen, A. J., Hilden, P. K., Verelst, A., Peltonen, K., (2024). Psychometric properties of the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES-8) among refugee adolescents from Afghanistan, Syria, and SomaliaTaylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/20008066.2024.2349445

Aalto, S., Kankaanpää, R., Peltonen, K., Derluyn, I., Szelei, N., Verelst, A., De Haene, L., de Smet, S., Spaas, C., Jervelund, S. S., Skovdal, M., Andersen, A. J., Hilden, P. K., Opaas, M., Durbeej, N., Osman, F., Sarkadi, A., Soye, E., Vänskä, M., (2024). The effect of teacher multicultural attitudes on self-efficacy and wellbeing at workSpringer. doi:10.1007/s11218-024-09886-3

Szelei, N., Langer Primdahl, N., Skovdal, M., Aalto, S., Osman, F., Hilden, P. K., Kankaanpää, R., Andersen, A. J., Sarkadi, A., Watters, C., Derluyn, I., (2024). “If we don’t adapt, we lose some parents”. Collaborations with migrant families in the context of student wellbeingRoutledge. doi:10.1080/02643944.2024.2382272

Spaas, C., Osman, F., Skovdal, M., Hilden, P. K., Derluyn, I., Durbeej, N., Sarkadi, A., Primdahl, N. L., Andersen, A. J., Verelst, A., Colpin, H., De Haene, L., (2024). Negotiating Futures: How Schools Shape Belonging for Young Newcomers in Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and SwedenJournal of Child and Family Studies. doi:10.1007%2Fs10826-024-02923-x

Opaas, M., Wentzel-Larsen, T., Nissen, A., Hilden, P. K., Punamäki, R., Spaas, C., Jervelund, S. S., Kankaanpää, R., Skovdal, M., Peltonen, K., De Haene, L., de Smet, S., Verelst, A., Derluyn, I., Andersen, A. J., (2024). Migrant students’ self-reported executive function skills in relation to mental health, postmigration stress, and positive appraisals of self and the social contextTaylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/20008066.2024.2430923

Spaas, C., Said-Metwaly, S., Skovdal, M., Primdahl, N. L., Jervelund, S. S., Hilden, P. K., Andersen, A. J., Opaas, M., Soye, E., Watters, C., Verelst, A., Derluyn, I., Colpin, H., De Haene, L., (2023). School-based Psychosocial Interventions’ Effectiveness in Strengthening Refugee and Migrant Adolescents’ Mental Health, Resilience, and Social Relations: A Four-country Cluster Randomized StudyIntervención psicosocial. doi:10.5093/pi2023a12

Soye, E., Hilden, P. K., Andersen, A. J., Watters, C., (2023). Recognising the newcomer: education policy and teaching practices in Norway and EnglandFrontiers Media S.A.. doi:10.3389/feduc.2023.1231633

Stensland, S., Glad, K. A., Andersen, A. J., Brodersen, D., Bækkelund, H., Daae, C., Heltne, U. M., Jensen, T., Johnsen, I., Kristensen, P., Nissen, A., Ormhaug, S. M., Reinholdt, N. P., Stene, L. E., Thapa, S. B., Thoresen, S., Ottesen, A., (2023). Oppfølging av mennesker rammet av krig og katastrofer. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. doi:10.4045/tidsskr.23.0791

Kankaanpää, R., Aalto, S., Vänskä, M., Lepistö, R., Punamäki, R. L., Soye, E., Watters, C., Andersen, A. J., Hilden, P. K., Derluyn, I., Verelst, A., & Peltonen, K. (2022). Effectiveness of psychosocial school interventions in Finnish schools for refugee and immigrant children, “Refugees Well School” in Finland (RWS-FI): a protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials, 23(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05715-6

Hellevik, P., Andersen, A. J., & Førde, K. E. (2022). Policing mental health? Norwegian police’s work with preventing radicalization into violent extremism. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. doi:10.1080/19434472.2022.2067211

Szelei, N., Devlieger, I., Verelst, A., Spaas, C., Jervelund, S. S., Primdahl, N. L., Skovdal, M., Opaas, M., Durbeej, N., Osman, F., Soye, E., Colpin, H., De Haene, L., Aalto, S., Kankaanpää, R., Peltonen, K., Andersen, A. J., Hilden, P. K., Watters, C., & Derluyn, I. (2022). Migrant Students’ Sense of Belonging and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Implications for Educational Inclusion. Social Inclusion, 10(2), 172-184. doi:10.17645/si.v10i2.5106

Verelst, A., Spaas, C., Pfeiffer, E., Devlieger, I., Kankaapää, R., Peltonen, K., Vänskä, M., Soye, E., Watters, C., Osman, F., Durbeej, N., Sarkadi, A., Andersen, A. J., Primdahl, N. L., & Derluyn, I. (2022). Social Determinants of the Mental Health of Young Migrants. European Journal of Health Psychology, 29(1). doi:10.1027/2512-8442/a000097

Nissen, A., Cauley, P., Saboonchi, F., Andersen, A. J., & Solberg, Ø. (2021). Mental health in adult refugees from Syria resettled in Norway between 2015 and 2017: A nationwide, questionnaire-based, cross-sectional prevalence study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. doi:10.1080/20008198.2021.1994218

Spaas, C., Verelst, A., Devlieger, I., Aalto, S., Andersen, A. J., Durbeej, N., Hilden, P. K., Kankaanpää, R., Primdahl, N. L., Opaas, M., Osman, F., Peltonen, K., Sarkadi, A., Skovdal, M., Jervelund, S. S., Soye, E., Watters, C., Derluyn, I., Colpin, H., & De Haene, L. (2021). Mental Health of Refugee and Non-refugee Migrant Young People in European Secondary Education: The Role of Family Separation, Daily Material Stress and Perceived Discrimination in Resettlement. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. doi:10.1007/s10964-021-01515-y

Førde, K. E., & Andersen, A. J. (2021). «Basically, I am here to help you»: Police conversation interventions in the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism as a pastoral technique of power. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab (NTfK), 108(2), 311-326. doi:10.7146/ntfk.v108i2.128526

Nissen, A., Cauley, P., Saboonchi, F., Andersen, A. J., & Solberg, Ø. (2020). Cohort profile: Resettlement in Uprooted Groups Explored (REFUGE) – A longitudinal study of mental health and integration in adult refugees from Syria resettled in Norway between 2015 and 2017. BMJ Open, 10(7). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036101

Førde, K. E., & Andersen, A. J. (2019). Bekymring – Hva er det, og hva gjør det? In S. Lid & G. Heierstad (Red.) Forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme. Norske handlemåter i møtet med terror (pp. 51-67). Gyldendal Akademisk.

Andersen, A. J. (2016). Forhandlinger om faderskab i homoseksuelle mænds liv. In S. B. Nielsen & G. R. Hansen (Red.) Køn, seksualitet og mangfoldighed (pp. 221-244). Samfundslitteratur.

Andersen, A. J. (2015). Making Space for fatherhood in gay men’s lives in Norway. In G. B. Eydal & T. Rostgaard (Eds.) Fatherhood in the Nordic Welfare States (pp. 231-250). Policy Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctt1t894gw.16

Andersen, A. J. (2013). Intimitetens plass i vennskap og parforhold sett i lys av en romantisk historie. In W. Mühleisen & J. L. Lorentzen (Red.) Å være sammen. Initimitetens nye kulturelle vilkår (pp. 203-219). Akademika forlag.

Andersen, A. J. (2011). Fra heteroromantikk til mangfoldige lystfellesskap: Intimitetens endrede organisering. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, 35(1), 3-17.

Andersen, A. J. (2011). Sexual citizenship in Norway. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 25(1), 120-134. doi:10.1093/lawfam/ebq019

Andersen, A. J. (2010). Menns rom for farskap. Barnets betydning for konstruksjon av farskap blant menn som lever homoseksuelt. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 51(3), 363-386.

Andersen, A. J. (2009). Det norske seksuelle medborgerskap. In W. Mühleisen & Å. Røthing (Red.) Norske seksualiteter (pp. 121-140). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Books and dissertations

Førde, K. E., Andersen, A. J., Hellevik, P., (2023). Bekymringsarbeidet. Politiets forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme.

(Eds.) (2018). Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

(Eds.) (2018). Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Andersen, A. J. (2003). Menn skaper rom for foreldreskap og familie. Farskapets betingelser i en heteronormativ kultur Norwegian only. (Dissertation).


Brunovskis, A., Ekornås, B., Andersen, A. J., (2023). Helse, livskvalitet og hverdagsliv i norske veteranfamilier.

Solberg, Ø., Nissen, A., Cauley, P., & Andersen, A. J. (2020). Mental health and quality of life among refugees from Syria after forced migration to Norway: Main findings from the REFUGE study. (Rapport 1/2020). Summary

Førde, K. E., & Andersen, A. J. (2018). Bekymringsarbeidet. Dilemmaer og muligheter i lokal forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme i Norge [Concern work. Dilemmas and possibilities in local prevention of radicalization and violent extremism in Norway] Norwegian only. (Rapport 4/2018). Summary

Grønnerød, J. S., Andersen, A. J., & Hellevik, P. (2016). Radikalisering og psykisk helse – En kunnskapsoppsummering [Radicalization and psychological health – A knowledge review] Norwegian only. (Rapport 4/2016). Summary

Andersen, A. J. (1988). Homofile og lesbiskes livssituasjon Norwegian only.

Other publications

Durbeej, N., McDiarmid, S., Sarkadi, A., Feldman, I., Punamaki, R. L., Kankaanpää, R., Andersen, A. J., Hilden, P. K., Verelst, A., Derluyn, I., & Osman, F. (2021). Correction to: Evaluation of a school-based intervention to promote mental health of refugee youth in Sweden (The RefugeesWellSchool Trial): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (98), 10.1186/s13063-020-04995-8). Trials, 22(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05840-2

Andersen, A. J. (2018). Ikke legg ned NKVTS. Dagsavisen.

Solberg, Ø., & Andersen, A. J. (2016). La oss ikke glemme psykisk helse. NRK Ytring. doi:https://www.nrk.no/ytring/la-oss-ikke-glemme-psykisk-helse-1.12950948

Andersen, A. J., (2009). Bryllup, Radiodokumentar.

Andersen, A. J., (2009). Dumper halvparten av vennene. Jobbvenner mest utsatt.

Andersen, A. J., (2009). Jeg tror ikke på det der med venner.

Andersen, A. J. (1995). Homofile og lesbiskes livssituasjon. Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift(2).

Andersen, A. J. (1987). Coming Out Coming Home. Vennskap som sosial strategi Norwegian only. (Hovedfagsoppgave, Master’s thesis).

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