





Bok, avhandling

Førde, K. E., Andersen, A. J., & Hellevik, P. (2023). Bekymringsarbeidet. Politiets forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Bok, avhandling

Nilsen, L. G. (2023). In the Aftermath of Terrorism: Individual trauma, sociopolitical reactions and institutional response. Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). (Doktorgradsavhandling).

Bok, avhandling

Glad, K. A. (2020). Transformed by trauma. A longitudinal study of posttraumatic stress, growth and perceived event centrality among youths and emerging adults after the terrorist attack on Utøya island. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

Bok, avhandling

G. Dyb & T. K. Jensen (Red.) (2019). Å leve videre etter katastrofen: Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bok, avhandling

Haga, J. M. (2019). Post-disaster healthcare for parents. A longitudinal study of the mothers and fathers of the Utøya survivors. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

Bok, avhandling

Stensland, S., & Dyb, G. (2019). Å leve videre etter katastrofen Stressreaksjoner og oppfølging etter traumer Kapittel 2. Kroppen reagerer på fare. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bok, avhandling

G. Øverland, A. J. Andersen & K. E. Førde (Eds.) (2018). Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Bok, avhandling

G. Øverland, A. J. Andersen, K. E. Førde, K. Grødum & J. Salomonsen (Eds.) (2018). Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Bok, avhandling

Aakvaag, H. F. (2016). Violence, revictimization and trauma-related shame and guilt. An investigation of event characteristics and mental health correlates among violence-exposed men and women from the general population and among Young Survivors of a terrorist attack. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

Bok, avhandling

C. Øverlien, M. I. Hauge & J. H. Schultz (Red.) (2016). Barn, vold og traumer. Møter med unge i utsatte livssituasjoner.. Universitetsforlaget.

Bok, avhandling

Stensland, S. (2015). Interpersonal violence and health in adolescents: Violence, sexual abuse and bullying in relation to recurrent headache & overweight, psychosocial & lifestyle factors, in a population-based cohort of adolescents. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

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Holt, T. (2014). Parental emotional reactions and their role in therapy for traumatized children and adolescents. A Norwegian treatment study With traumatized children and adolescents. Universitetet i Oslo. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

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Hussain, A. (2012). Long term mental health effects of the 2004 tsunami: A prospective study of Norwegian tourists exposed to the disaster. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

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Nygaard, E. (2012). Posttraumatic stress reactions of Norwegian children and families after the Southeast Asian tsunami. (Series of Dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo 309). (Doktorgradsavhandling).

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Hafstad, G. S. (2011). In the aftermath of a disaster: Meaning making and posttraumatic growth in Norwegian children and adolescents who where exposed to the 2004 tsunami. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

Bok, avhandling

National Child Traumatic Stress Network & National Center for PTSD (2006). Psykologisk førstehjelp. Felthåndbok 2. utgave. Oslo: NKVTS.

Bok, avhandling

Thoresen, S. (2006). Suicide in peacekeepers. A study of risk factors for suicide in Norwegian veterans of international military operations. (Doktorgradsavhandling).

Bok, avhandling

Dyb, G. (2005). Posttraumatic stress reactions in children and adolescents. (Doktorgradsavhandling).